Introduction to Management

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1) Understand the role of the manager and the types of managers;
2) Understand the historical evolution of management thinking and practice;
3) Understand the main functions and competencies of managers;
4) Understand the combination of planning, strategy and structure of a company;
5) Understand the main aspects of the different functional areas of management.


1. Fundamental Concepts;
2. Evolution of Management Thinking;
3. Management Skills;
4. Main functional areas;
5. Business Project.

Teaching Methodologies

In each class, half of the time is allocated to the presentation and discussion of fundamental concepts, illustrated with current examples from Portuguese and international business reality and in the second half, it is discussed a case that fits the concepts covered.


Chiavenato, I. (2004). Introdução à Teoria Geral da Administração. Elsevier.

SotoMayor, A. M., Rodrigues, J., & Duarte, M. (2018). Princípios de Gestão das Organizações (2ª ed.). Rei dos Livros.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 70%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 30%