Spanish I

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  1. Understand and write simple written texts
  2. Use everyday vocabulary
  3. Provide basic information orally
  4. Have basic conversations about immediate surroundings


1. Spanish phonetics and spelling.
2. Spanish nouns: explanation and use. Gender, number and heterogenéricos.
3. Spanish adjectives: explanation and use. Gender, number, type.
4. Presente de Indicativo (The Present Indicative): conjugation and use. Regular and irregular forms.
5. Possessive and demonstrative adjectives and pronouns.
6. Imperativo (The Imperative). Regular and irregular forms.
7. Comparative forms.
8. Simple past: explanation and use

Teaching Methodologies

Spanish lessons are based on a selection of texts which is structured as follows: a theoretical presentation of grammatical topics, written activities, audio activities, including exercises that generate interaction between students or between students and teacher, and reading short texts and answering questions about the content (reading comprehension).


CORPAS, J., García E., Garmendia A. (2013) Aula Internacional 1 , Barcelona: Difusión.

MORENO, Concha et al. 2010. Nuevo Avance Básico (A1+A2). Madrid: SGEL.

FERNÁNDEZ et al. 1990 Curso intensivo de español. Gramática. Madrid: SGEL.

GONZÁLEZ HERMOSO e SÁNCHEZ ALFARO, 1995. Español lengua extranjera. Curso práctico, Madrid: Edelsa.

CASTRO, Francisca, 1996. Uso de la gramática española. Elemental. Madrid: Edelsa.

MARTÍN PERIS, Ernesto e SANS BAULENAS, Neus. 1997. Gente. Curso de español para extranjeros. Barcelona: Difusión.

FERNÁNDEZ DÍAZ, Rafael, 1999. Prácticas de gramática española para hablantes de portugués. Cuadernos de prácticas de español/LE. Madrid: Arcolibros.

MORENO, Concha e ERES FERNÁNDEZ, Gretel, 2007. Gramática contrastiva del español para brasileños. Madrid: SGEL.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 50%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%