General Sociology

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The objective of this course is to engage students in the study of the basic concepts and theories of sociology, as well as to attain competencies in the area of scientific practice. The goal is for students to acquire competencies in the framework of sociological knowledge and its respective construction, through a broad overview of the topics related to the social processes of modernity.


1. Institutions and social processes

1.1. Institutions and social roles

1.2. Family and family changes

1.3. School and Education

1.4. Social change and development

2. Structures and action

2.1. Social structures

2.2. Social systems and social action

3. Social class and social stratification

3.1. Social inequality and social class

3.2. Social class: classical and contemporary perspectives

3.3. Class structure and class mobility

3.4. Gender, ethnicity and poverty

4. Professional practice of Sociology

4.1. Methodology and research

4.2. Research techniques

4.3. Sociology: science and profession

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition of the content to be taught, employing a theoretical-practical approach, with student participation, viewing videos followed by group discussion, presentation of illustrative aspects of the program content and conducting evaluations.


Almeida, João Ferreira de (1994), Introdução à Sociologia, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.

Clanchy, John; Ballard, Brigid (1997), Como escrever ensaios. Um guia para estudantes, Lisboa, Temas e Debates.

Ferreira, J. M. Carvalho; et all. (1995), Sociologia, Lisboa, McGraw-Hill.

Giddens, Anthony (1996), La estructura de clases en las sociedades avanzadas, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.

Giddens, Anthony (1997), Sociologia, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Gíner, Salvador (1997), Sociología, Barcelona, Ed. Península.

Pinto, Conceição Alves (1995), Sociologia da Escola, Lisboa, McGraw,Hill.

Quivy, Raymond; Campenhoudt, Luc Van (1992), Manual de Investigação em Ciências Sociais, Lisboa, Gradiva.

Rocher, Guy (1989), Sociologia Geral. Mudança social e acção histórica, Vol. III, Lisboa, Ed. Presença.

Segalen, Martine (1999), Sociologia da Família, Lisboa, Terramar.

Sztompka, Piotr (1995), Sociología del cambio social, Madrid, Alianza Editorial.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 50%
  • Oral presentation of Individual and / or Group work: 50%