Tourism and Development

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This course, of the Master’s Program in Economics and Management Sciences, aims to lead students to acquire knowledge related to a macroeconomic approach of the tourism sector at the level of the 2nd cycle of the Bologna process. The proposed approach divides the material to be covered into three major groups, namely: the first group focusing on the aspects of economic growth and development of tourism destinations, the second group related to tourism destination planning and the third block covering some topics about the economics of tourism destinations.

It is also expected that the students that have successfully completed this course have acquired knowledge, skills and a strategic thinking, which are essential competences to play leadership roles in the professions related to the strategic planning of tourism destinations in the Azores, in the country and in the world and the motivation to conduct scientific research in this field.


The program, divided into three blocks, covers fundamental aspects of Economics of tourism destinations development. The first block deals with the main fundamental concepts related to the characterization of international, national and regional tourism are covered. Then, the program focuses on the macroeconomic aspects of tourism, related to employment and revenue creation and to the tourism macroeconomic performance’s assessment methodologies. The program also covers the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism and issues related to tourism and economic growth. Scientific articles about the economic aspects of tourism destinations’ development are analyzed.

The second block covers the integrated and strategic tourism planning process and finally the last block covers the competitiveness and sustainability of tourism and development.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies include:

1. Oral expositions about theoretical contents using PowerPoint and establishing a link with the previous and with the next class.

2. Presentation and discussion of a scientific article about the topics covered on the program stimulating research useful for dissertations.

3. Presentation and discussion of a case study to apply the subjects covered in the program.


Hall, M.C. (2008) “Tourism Planning: Policies, Processes and Relationships”, 2nd Edition. Pearson Education.

Sharpley, R. & Telfer, J. David, 2002 “Tourism and Development Concepts and Issues”, Channel View Publications;

Mason, P. (2008) “Tourism Impacts, Planning and Management”, second edition, Elsevier;

Cooper, C., Fletcher, J., Gilbert D. e Wanhill S. (2008) “Tourism Principles and Practice” 4th edition;

Textos da autoria do docente

A bibliografia para esta disciplina integra os textos selecionados pelo docente e distribuídos nas aulas e os artigos publicados em revistas científicas da especialidade, tais como: Tourism Economics, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, Leisure Studies, Journal of Tourism and Sustainability, entre outras.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 50%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%