Biochemistry I

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The objective of this curricular unit is:
- to provide students with the opportunity to acquire a basic training in Biochemistry allowing them to understand the molecular rationale of life and the mechanisms that are responsible for homeostasis of the cell and organism.
-to drive the students' curiosity for Biomedical Research and help them to develop the ability to do research and integrate knowledge by applying it to the discussion of specific issues which are relevant to clinical practice.
This general knowledge will allow to understand the relevance of structural and molecular biochemistry for Medicine.
At the end of this curricular unit, students should be able to:
1) Identify the general principles and terminology of Biochemistry;
2) Describe the structure and function of the main biomolecules;
3) Distinguish the main metabolic pathways and explain their interrelationship and regulatory mechanisms;
4) Interpret some analysis techniques in the clinics


1. Chemical composition of living beings:
- The main classes of biomolecules.
- The importance of water in the chemical reactivity of biomolecules
- The major buffer systems in the body and acid/base balance
2. Structural properties of cellular membranes:
- Lipids and proteins as major constituents of biological membranes
- Membrane transporters
- Structure of cellular membranes
3. Structural and functional proteins

- Proteins' structural organization
- Hemoglobin and Mioglobin
- Collagen and Elastin
- Enzymes
- Enzymes regulation and control as therapeutical targets
4. Metabolism of the main biomolecules carbohydrates,proteins, lipids and nucleic acids
- Vitamines and modulation of metabolism
- Cell signaling and integration of metabolismo

Teaching Methodologies

O ensino teórico é estruturado no sentido de estimular a compreensão e a integração dos conhecimentos, perspectivando a suaaplicação na resolução de questões relevantes em medicina.
O objetivo das aulas práticas é desenvolver a capacidade de identificar problemas pela observação das várias fases do trabalho experimental, melhorar a compreensão dos métodos e técnicas utilizados e fomentar o trabalho de grupo.
Os Seminários Orientados permitem integrar e simultâneamente monitorizar a aquisição de conhecimentos
Mini Testes:
Relatório de seminário ou visita de estudo:
Resolução de Problemas:
Trabalho de investigação:
Trabalho de síntese:
Trabalho laboratorial ou de campo:25%





ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 32 hours
  • Seminário - 2 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Exam: 50%
  • Frequency: 25%
  • Laboratory work or Field work: 25%