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This CU is intended for the Degree in Civil Protection and Risk Management and Degree in Marine Sciences courses, which require basic knowledge of Chemistry.
The aim of CU is to provide the student with the ability to understand the atomic/molecular structure of substances, and how the macroscopic properties of these substances depend on their structure and chemical composition.


Theoretical classes:
1- General composition, classification and measurement of matter.
2- Physical states of matter
2.1- Gaseous state
General properties: density, compressibility, diffusion, pressure and volume
Kinetic theory of gases
Perfect gas equation
Gaseous solutions, mole fraction, partial pressures
2.2- Liquid state
General properties: density, melting and boiling point, diffusion, compressibility, vapor pressure, viscosity and surface tension
Liquid solutions, classification and preparation
Concentration of a solution
Solubility and factors on which it depends
Colligative properties: Ebullioscopic elevation and cryoscopic depression
2.3- Solid state
General properties: Density, melting and boiling point
Chemical elements in the solid state
3- Chemical bond
Atomic structure: Electron, proton and neutron, atomic number, atomic mass, molar mass. Atom (Bohr model), ions.

Metallic elements and substances: Metallic bonding (model “cations in a sea of electrons), structure of metals (model of rigid spheres with a high degree of packing) and properties (malleability, ductility and electrical and thermal conductivity).
Ionic substances: Electronic distribution (minimum energy principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund's rule), formation of cations and anions, ionic bonding, and properties of ionic compounds (crystalline structure, solubility, electrical conductivity, hardness).
Molecular substances: covalent bond (Lewis structures, octet rule model), properties.
4- Intermolecular forces
London forces, dipole-dipole, hydrogen bond, dipole-ion. Relative intensity. Influence on the melting and boiling point, solubility and miscibility of covalent compounds. Presentation and analysis of examples.
5- Chemical equilibrium
Acid base
Oxidation reduction
Practical classes:
Carrying out experimental work in which the knowledge acquired in the theoretical component is reinforced and skills are developed in terms of practical execution of laboratory techniques in chemistry, critical analysis of experimental results, as well as preparation of reports.
Practical work:
1: Handling different measuring material and significant figures.
2: Basic laboratory techniques in chemistry (parts 1 and 2).
3: Preparation of solutions (parts 1 and 2).
4: Determination of the density of liquid substances.
5: Study of the diffusion process in solution.
6: Separation of the constituents of a mixture.
7: Study of some factors that affect chemical balance.
8: Standardization of a caustic soda solution.

Teaching Methodologies

The curricular unit will be taught combining classroom activities, non-obligatory presence, with experimental activities carried out weekly in the laboratory. For each programmatic topic, an expository methodology will be used using mostly images and diagrams (powerpoint) available on the Moodle platform; examples of environmentally recurring substances will be presented and discussed. The resolution and discussion of exercises selected by the teacher and the clarification of doubts during the available office hours (2 hours/week) are also tools used to consolidate learning.


- Química, Raymond Chang and Kenneth, 11ª ed., McGraw-Hill, 2013, ISBN 9789899717275
- Princípios de Química: Questionando a Vida Moderna e o Meio Ambiente, Peter Atkins e Loretta Jones, 7ª ed., BOOKMAN, 2018, ISBN: 9788582604618
- Química: A Ciência Central, Theodore L. Brown, H. Eugene LeMay Jr., Bruce E. Bursten, 13ª ed., Pearson, 2016, ISBN 9788543005652



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 2 hours
  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 30 hours
  • Teóricas - 45 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • in carrying out the scheduled practical wor: 17%
  • in the results reports and their discussion for each practical work carried out: 17%
  • Two written assessments during the semester and/or a written exam: 65%