Cultural Anthropology

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The unit of Cultural Anthropology aims to ensure a general knowledge of the development of theories that assume the man (society and culture) as an object of knowledge, seeking to acquaint students with works particularly significant in the process of building this area of knowledge. A programmed approach, dynamic and participatory seeks to develop students' critical thinking, promoting personal reflection and enabling them to think and act creatively in the world in which they live.


1. The culture at the time: cultural evolution and evolutionism.

2. The culture in space: diffusionist schools.

3. The function and meaning of social phenomena: the British functionalist anthropology.

4. The individual psychology and culture: psychological anthropology.

5. The explanations of social and cultural evolution: the Neo-evolutionism.

6. The unconscious structures of culture: the structuralist anthropology.

7. The modes of production companies.

8. The importance of contradictions, conflict and change.

9. Symbolic systems and social systems.

10. The influence of Ethology and Sociobiology.

11. Anthropology postmodernist and the contemporary dynamics.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical and practical classes relating the fundamental currents of anthropological thought with the methodologies and reflections on socio-cultural phenomena from different continents. Close monitoring, continuous and committed work by the students.


Bernardi, Bernardo. 1978. Introdução aos estudos etno-entropológicos. Lisboa, Edições 70.

Benedict, Ruth. s. d. Padrões de Cultura. Lisboa, Edições “Livros do Brasil”.

Harris, Marvin. 1979. The rise of anthropological theory. Londres, Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Herskovits, Melville J. 1963. Antropologia Cltural, 2 vols. São Paulo, Editora Mestre Jou.

Lévi-Stauss, Claude. 1970. Antropologia estrutural. Rio de Janeiro, Edições Tempo Brasileiro.

Malinowski, Bronislaw. 1970. Uma teoria científica da cultura. Rio de Janeiro, Zahar Editores.

Mauss, Marcel. 1988. Ensaios sobre a dádiva. Lisboa, Edições 70.

Morgan, Lewis. 1978. A sociedade primitiva, 2 vols., Lisboa, Presença e Martins Fontes.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 25%
  • 2nd Frequency: 25%
  • Laboratory work or Field work: 50%