Cultural Patrimony

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The unit aims to historicize the evolution of what was and is understood as heritage from antiquity to the present day. Thus, the objectives of the course are:

1. Recognizing the historical and cultural heritage and natural heritage and identity;

2. Understanding the dynamic behavior of the historical-artistic phenomena and their historical implications;

3. Develop observation skills / interpretation of cultural events;

4. Look to the historical-cultural heritage tourism and economic resource while;

5. Develop research capabilities and research in the fields of cultural history;

6. Rehearse forms of organization / communication of acquired knowledge.


I- The concept of heritage and its evolution

1. Etymological and semantic evolution of the term "heritage"

2. The legacy of antiquity

3. The Renaissance

4. Antique dealers and collectors

5. The French Revolution

6. The nineteenth century

7. The organization's heritage

II. Legislation and Heritage: the Portuguese case

1. Decree Johannine and protection of the archaeological heritage

2. Circular of 1880 RAACA

3. Decree organic 1901e legislation produced with the New State

4. The post April 25 and the evolution of concepts and legislation

5. The law autonomic

III. Territories Heritage

1. archaeological heritage

2. Ethnographic heritage

3. Architectural, urban and landscape

4. Papers and bibliographic

5. other legacies

IV - Management of Cultural Heritage

1. Heritage management concept

2. International agreements

3. Institutional policies and strategies for managing

4. Public management and private equity

5. The economic dimension

Teaching Methodologies

The methods to be adopted in the classes involve the combining explanation of content, supported and fundamentade on the analysis and interpretation of images and texts with the survey questions addressed to students or placed on the clarification of these. Students will be encouraged to choose a topic for research development work for which will be given proper guidance and methodological literature.


"AAVV, Inventário do Património Imóvel dos Açores.Coord. Jorge Paulus Bruno, Angra do Heroísmo: Direcção Regional da Cultura: Instituto Açoriano de Cultura, 1999-2015.
AAVV , Caminhos do Património. Catálogo da Exposição. Coord. de João Vieira Cal¬das. Lisboa: D.G.E.M.N/ Livros Horizonte, 1999.
AAVV , Enciclopédia Einaudi. Dir. Ruggiero Romano. Lisboa: I. N. C. M./C. M., 1984 - Especialmente: Vol. 1 ? Memória-História, vocs. "Documen¬to/Mo¬nu-men¬to", "História", "Antigo/Moderno", "Colecção", "Ruína/Restauro"; vol. 5 ? An¬thropos-Homem, vocs. "Natureza Cultura", "Cultura/Culturas", "Etnocen¬trismo".
ANDRIEUX, Jean-Yves (dir.) - Patrimoine et société. Rennes. 1988.
ASSMANN, J. , Collective Memory and Cultural Identity. New German Critique, 1995, nº65 (Spring- Summer): 125-135.
BABELON, Jean-Pierre; CHASTEL, André, La notion de patrimoine. Paris: Liana Levi, 1994.
HOBSBAWM, E.; RANGER, T., The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press, 1983"



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 30%
  • Continuous Evaluation: 35%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 35%