Theory and Methodology of Social Work I

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The objectives of the course Theory and Methodology of Social Work I, in conjunction with the discipline of History Institutions and Social Services seek to continue the introductory and systematic study of social service. Began its socio-historical approach becomes necessary to cross it with the study of social work at the theoretical and methodological Social Service Classical / Traditional method. It is intended that in the end of the semester the student is able to understand the emergence and institutionalization of social work as a professional discipline, and theoretical and methodological developments of classical social service that sets up a further specialized and tripartite route: individual, group and community approach. The model method and technique defines the pattern of classic social service.


1. Emergency and Institutionalization of Social Work as a profession. historical Framework, socio landmarks and different perspectives.
1.1. Historical, sociological, political, scientific and valorative conditions. So-cial Question, Human Rights and Citizenship and Welfare State.
1.2. The role of the Charity Organization Society and Settlement Movement and the pioneers of Social Work
1.3. Social Work in the scientific field in the social sciences.

2. First basic and classic methods on Social Work: Case Work, Group Social Wor, Community Social Work. An introduction and historical review

3. Emergency and Institutionalization of Social Work in Portugal. Historical analyses of conditions, charateristiques and phases.

4. Movement of Reconcetualization on Classic Social Work in Latin America and the changes in practice and profession.


Teaching Methodologies

The classes are based on the exhibition methods and on active methods. Developing exposure and explanation of the syllabus, supported by audiovisual techniques and by analysis of written documents.
This process is accompanied by strategies and active involvement techniques of stu-dents during the theoretical exposition of teacher by: conducting brainstorming (seeking assesses what common sense ideas need to be deconstructed) before lodg-ing theoretical contents.
Within the active methods are promoted also forums, calling for critical participa-tion and content ratio based on the realization of text analysis group work in class and self-study to be discussed in class.


ABREU, M. Margarida, A propósito da Evolução o Serviço Social, in Boletim do Instituto de Serviço Social, nº 3,
Lisboa, ISSS, 1967, p. 19-50.
CBCISS, Documento Araxá – 1º seminário de teorização do Serviço Social, Debates Sociais nº 4, Rio de Janeiro,
FERNANDES, Ernesto; MARINHO, Manuela; PORTAS, Manuela, O Serviço Social na Europa: Experiência
Portuguesa, in Rev. Intervenção Social, nº 22, Lisboa, ISSS – Departamento Editorial, Dez. 2000, p. 131-147.
MARTINS, Alcina, Génese, Emergência e Institucionalização do Serviço Social Português, Lisboa, F. C. Gulbenkian,
NETO, José Paulo, Capitalismo Monopolista e Serviço Social, São Paulo, Cortez, 1992.
PARÉ, Simone, Grupos e Serviço Social, Portalegre, Pontifício e Universidade Católica Rio Grande do Sul, 1961.
RICHMOND, Mary, Diagnóstico Social, Lisboa, Instituto de Higiene Dr. Ricardo Jorge, 1950.
RICHMOND, Mary, Caso Social Individual, 2ª Ed. Buenos Aires, Humanitas, 1982.
4 documentos didáticos elaborados pela docente



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Essay about one theme of the program set by the teacher: 50%
  • Two group assignments: storytelling video about a pioneer of social work: 50%