Marine Economy

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The curricular unit of Economics of the Sea aims at providing the students the theory and concepts on economic management of natural resources that apply to the sea. At the end of the curricular unit the students must be able to identify the potentialities of the sea and its role for the economy. They may also be able to identify the sea as a cluster due to the relations established with many other economic activities. The curricular unit develops several basic themes and applies them whenever possible to different marine resources. The common thread throughout the course is the potential of the sea and the optimal use of resources of the same. At the end of the curricular unit, students must be able to comment cases and specific situations, based on the skills acquired, and solve practical exercises.


1. Sea resources: an overview

2. The sea and its economic potentialities

3. The cluster of the sea

4. Externalities, public goods, common resources and property rights

5. Quotas, concessions, licenses and sustainability

6. Optimal use and of sea resources: the case of a fishery

7. Methods for economic evaluation of sea resources

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching is composed by a mix of theoretical and practical classes. Each chapter begins with one or even more questions put to the students, where the teacher listens during some minutes their opinion and tries to drive them, if such is necessary, towards a thought nearly to what will be taught in the theoretical class. The exposition of the chapter is then done by the teacher after this previous auscultation. Practical cases are aimed at solving exercises, commenting cases and discussing specific situations. Evaluation is based upon two written exams, which include exercises to be solved and cases or situations to comment.


Flatten, O. (2010) Fisheries Economics and Management, Norwegian College of Fishery Science

Tietenberg, B. Lewis, C. (2010) Environmental Economics & Policy, Prentice Hall.

Hartwick, M e Olewiler, D. (1998). Economics of Natural Resource Use, Prentice Hall.

OCDE (2012) Proposal for a project on The future of the Ocean Economy: exploring the prospects for emerging ocean industries to 2030.

Artigos e outra informação a serem fornecidos ao longo da lecionação da UC



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Test: 50%
  • 2nd Test: 50%