Introduction to Clinical Medical Practice I

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Know, understand and demonstrate: phases and all Basic Life Support procedures and Permeabilization and
patency of the airway
Know, understand and demonstrate: general concepts of medical interview, doctor-patient relationship, the
functions of communication and the importance of nonverbal
Know, understand and demonstrate: Principles of surgical techniques (suture wounds, etc..)
Know, understand and demonstrate: the proper organization of the clinical process
Know, understand and demonstrate: Medical Terminology
Know, understand and demonstrate: rules for the application of informed consent
Know, understand and demonstrate: how to relate with other professionals and working as a team


- Basic Life Support
- Permeabilization and patency of the airway
- Organization of the clinical process
- Medical Terminology
- Informed consent
- Intra and inter-relations - Teamwork
- Principles of surgical techniques - General clinical examination, sutures, wound, etc..
- Introduction to general concepts of medical interview
- The meeting, consultation, the doctor-patient
- Functions of communication
- The importance of nonverbal
- Principles of surgical techniques - General clinical examination, sutures, wound, etc..
- Organization of the clinical process
- Medical Terminology
- Informed consent
- Intra and inter-relations - Teamwork

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures; practical classes in simulation models, role-playing and videos; final seminars integrating the
knowledge and skills of all aspects of the course by demonstration through interactive clinical cases
Midterm exam:
Seminar or study visit report:20%
Problem solving report:
Research work:
Synthesis work:
Fieldwork or laboratory work:



"Comunicação e Medicina" – Pio Abreu, Virtualidade, 1998
"O Desenvolvimento das Perícias de Comunicação e Aconselhamento em Medicina" – Roslyn Corney (coord.),
Climepsi, 1991/1996 Ed. Port.
"Psicologia das Relações Interpessoais" – M. Odete Fachada, Rumo, 8ª Ed. 2006
"Clinical Ethics – a practical approach to ethical decisions in clinical medicine" – Jonsen AR, Siegler M,
Winslade WJ, McGraw and Hill, 7th Ed., 2010.
Ética, medicina e sociedade - CARLOS A. M. GOTTSCHALL
Ética para os futuros médicos – Nedy Cerqueira Neves
CAMPBELL, A et al. Medical ethics. Oxford
University Press. 2005.
BERG J. Informed consent – legal theory and clinical practice. Oxford University Press.
MARQUES, Adelino - Segredo Profissional.
Coimbra Médica, 11:53, 1990.
Harrison´s Principles of Internal Medicine



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 56 hours
  • Seminário - 8 hours
  • Teóricas - 16 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Mini Tests: 20%
  • Report of a seminar or field trip: 20%
  • Exam: 50%
  • Other: 10%