Microbiology and Parasitology

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The Microbiology and Parasitology subject studies the medical microbiology, including the pillars of bacteriology, virology, mycology and parasitology. The student will be leaded through the basic knowledge of microbiology, enabling the recognition of the microbes that are agents of human pathology, their biological characteristics with relevance to its mechanism of pathogenicity. Among the aims of the subject are also the relation host-microbe, the compreention of the assicated pathology, the laboratory diagnosis techniques, and prinicples of prevention and prophylaxis. The importance of the human microflora should be recognized by the student who also will be introduced in the concepts of aseptic conditions and sterility, together with the definition of biosafety levels.


Part A
1. Asepsis, desinfection and sterilization: theoretical basis and ability to perform related techniques;

2.Biosafety levels
Part B
1. Biological characteristics (structure, phyisiology and genetics) of bacteria, virus, fungi and parasites; discriminatory characteristics between diferente groups of microbes agentes of human pathology; 2. Human
microflora constitution; impact of human microflora in health and disease.
Part C
1. Agents of human disease: mecanisms of pathogenicity, transmission modes , epidemiology, prophyilaxis;

2.Microbe-host interaction; 3. Theoretical and practical aspects of the laboratory diagnosis of human infection both using classic techniques and novel technologies.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes (T- 40h) will used to taught the theoric concepts of Microbiology. To complete this component, there will be application modules at the end of each theme. In other TP classes (in a total of 8h) important themes of modern medical microbiology will be introduced to students. Practical classes (PL – 32h) focus in microbial diagnosis. During certain practical classes the students will be asked to orally present relevant themes and to solve problems, with the help of the recommended manuals. The subject evaluation system will be as follows: Final exam – 60%; Continuous – 40%
Problem solving report:30%
Fieldwork or laboratory work:10%


Murray, P.R. Medical Microbiology, 7th EDITION
Mims et al., Medical Microbiology, 3rd edition
Medical Microbiology, Kayser et al., 10th edition, Thieme, Stuttgart, 2004
Brock, Biology of Microorganisms, Madigan et al., 10th Ed.
Manual prático de Microbiologia (disponibilizado na intranet)



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 32 hours
  • Teóricas - 40 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 8 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Exam: 60%
  • Laboratory work or Field work: 10%
  • Resolution Problems: 30%