Research in Psychology II

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1. Conceptualize a research proposal, which is understood as a complex and contingent problem solving activity that requires a continuous regulation of consistency and coherence between the starting questions, methodological decisions and technical procedures for data production and analysis.
2. Critically analyze empirical research, seeking to structure the theoretical discussion of the topic under study from the results of different studies.
3. Apply data production techniques.
4. Experiment with the construction of category systems related to descriptive-interpretative data and respective categorization, considering the need for confirmation, credibility / validation and consistency.
5. To take a critical position in the face of the results achieved in the research carried out, arguing the logic of understanding the problem and highlighting factors that affect it.
6. Exercise progressive autonomy and the regulation of learning.


1. The meaning of descriptive-interpretative research in Psychology.

2. The descriptive-interpretative investigation process.

3. Dilemmas and ethical constraints in research.

4. Procedures for building the literature review.

5. Data production techniques (interview, direct observation, etc.) and regulatory strategies used by descriptive-interpretative research.

6. Techniques, procedures and strategies for regulating qualitative data analysis.

7. Meaning and procedures for interpreting and discussing the results of the investigation.

8. Organization of descriptive-interpretative research reports.

Teaching Methodologies

This course, 30h theoretical and 30h theoretical-practical, is organized in classes centered on the teachers and on the dialogue with students, as well as centered on the student, through the performance of individual and group activities that include: information research, discussion of texts, and the work leading to the elaboration of a research project proposal, data collection and analysis. Moodle and ZOOM platforms are used to communicate with students and share documents. 


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ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual and/or Group Work: 50%
  • Research work: 50%