History of Daily Life

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1. Understanding the role and the importance of the Daily History study.

2. Relating home living and changes operated in the houses with the economic development and technical and mental changes.

3. Explaining changes on food habits between different social groups, since the Middle Age to the 20th century.

4. Explaining the evolution of the male and female dress, since the elites to the popular classes, from the Middle Age to nowadays.

5. Justifying the different ways of sociability and some related rituals.

1. Fluency of oral and written expression.

2. Capacity of analysis and summary.

3. Capacity of conceptualization and problematization.

4. Concepts fluency of the Daily History.

5. Capacity of analysis and interpretation of documental and iconographic sources, important for the daily study.

6. Capacity of argumentative thinking on discussion and debate of essential subjects and questions.



1. Daily History and Daily in History. Sources diversity and contribution to other human sciences.

2. Operation concepts: public and private; rule and deviation; social organization.

Daily Life from the Middle Age to the Old Regime

1. Food: tell me what do you eat and I will tell who you are.

2. Rural and urban house: from people poverty to the elites luxury .

3. Dress: from basic to superfluous.

4. Sociability and entertainment types: religious festivities, amusements in the fields and entertainments in the markets. Festivities at sovereigns and princes courts.

From the end of the 18th century to nowadays: Daily life areas.

1. House and home living : from the elites to popular classes.

2. Food: Wealthy people and poor crumps.

3. Dress: male and female fashion since the French revolution to the end of the 20th century.

4. Sociability and leisure ways: a privilege of the elites and of middle class?

Teaching Methodologies

The methods to be adopted during classes imply the combination between the exposition and explanation of subjects – if possible based on the observation and analysis of images and on the reading and interpretation of documents/texts -, with questions put to students or explanation of these questions. We try to conjugate the use of new technologies (PowerPoint) with teachers intervention and students autonomy , so that they may research and make readings that will deep and complete the classes subjects.


ARIÈS, P. e DUBY, G., dir., História da Vida Privada, Afrontamento, 1989, 5 vols.
MATTOSO, J., dir., História da Vida Privada em Portugal, C. Leitores, 2010, 4 vols.
POIRIER, J., dir., História dos Costumes, Estampa, 1998, 10 vols



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 60%