Museology and Cultural Anthropology

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a) Know and contextualize the evolutionary process of museums;

b) Understand the specific competences of Museology, in particular with regard to documentation, inventory, exhibition, management, education and communication;

c) Solidly identify the various types of Museums and their interactions with Collectionism, Eco-museums and Interpretive Centers;

d) Identify the importance of museums in contemporary culture as tools of information, education, socialization and critical awareness.


I. Brief History of Museums

  1. Museums in Portugal and the Azores
  2. Collecting and Visitable Collections

II. Museums: these unknowns

  1. Museums for what?
  2. Museums for whom?
  3. Museums (s)networked

III. Museum management

  1. The Theory
  2. The Practices

IV. Communication in Museums

  1. Educational services
  2. Other formal and informal mediators

Teaching Methodologies

The classes present a triple methodological approach:

  • a first, a traditional character centered on the teacher;
  • a second, which through the presentation of documentaries and debates online should open horizons to students regarding other Museum models;
  • a third consists of field classes, through study visits different Museums (between 8 and 10).

The evaluation will have two written moments and one oral: students must make two reports of two of the study visits in which they participated, pointing out and critically applying the knowledge acquired so far with the two case studies; they must submit oral work on a non-regional Museum, based on its website, in order to develop their communication capacity.


Anico, Marta, Museus e Pós-Modernidade: Discursos e "Performances" em Contextos Museológicos Locais, Lisboa: Instituto Superior de Ciências, 2005

BLACK, Graham, The Engaging Museum. Developing Museums for Visitor Involvement. Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge, 2005.

BOLAÑOS, Maria, La memoria del mundo: cien años de museología (1900-2000), Gijón, Ediciones Trea, 2002.

GOB, André;DROUGET, Noémie, La muséologie: histoire, développements, enjeux actuels. Paris, Armand Colin, 2006.

HERNÁNDEZ HERNÁNDEZ, Francisca, Planteamientos teóricos de la museología, Gijon, Trea, 2006

MOREIRA, Isabel M. Martins, Iniciação à museologia: caderno de apoio, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 1994.

PESSOA, Fernando Santos, Reflexöes sobre ecomuseologia, Porto, Ed. Afrontamento, 2001

SANTOS, M.L; OLEIRO, M.B O Panorama Museológico em Portugal (2000-2003), Observatório das Atividades Culturais, IPM/ROM, Lisboa, 2005

Semedo, Alice; Estratégias museológicas e consensos gerais, Vigo Eixo Atlântico, 2004,

RICO, Juan Carlos, La dificil supervivencia de los museos, Gigón, Trea, 2009



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours