Sources and Methodologies of Local and Regional History

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The major goals of this course are:

1. Take the student to develop an integrated and comprehensive view of the sources and methods of Regional and Local History, on a scale of analysis envisaged integrative and problematizing, and not merely descriptive;

2. Improve skills of the student in terms of handling some auxiliary tools of history;

3. Encourage the student critical thinking and the spirit of synthesis.


Module 1

The primary sources of History: the case of regional and local history

1. Rudiments of paleography and documental typology

2. Central and local archives

3. Sources of regional and local history of not municipal production

3.1. Notarial records

3.2. Parish records

3.3. Parish memories

4. Sources of regional and local history of municipal production

4.1. Executive records

4.2. General register records

4.3. Release of taxes

4.5. Municipal ordinances

4.6. Exchange offices

Module 2

Quantification in History

1. historiographical route

2. Vocabulary

3. Methods

3.1. Working with numbers

3.2. Working with texts

3.3. Working with the space

Module 3

Studies of primary sources.

Teaching Methodologies

The teaching methodologies of the course Sources and Methodology of Regional and Local History are based on a combination of the roles of teacher and student. Corresponds to the role of the teacher to carry out the lessons that develop the program content and the definition, monitoring and review of research. Corresponds to the role of the students monitoring the students lectures, reading the primary and supplementary bibliography and perform all tasks included in the research.


CHAUNU, Pierre, Historia cuantitativa, historia serial, México, Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1987.

DELORT, Robert, Introduction aux sciences auxiliaires de l' histoire, Paris, Armand Colin, 1969.

FLOUD, Roderick, Métodos cuantitativos para historiadores, 2ª. Ed., Madrid, Alianza Editorial, 1979.

FURET, François, A oficina da história, Lisboa, Gradiva, s. d.

Histoire (L') et ses méthodes, dir. Charles Samaran, Paris, Éditions Gallimard, 1986.

História (A), social. Problemas, fontes e métodos, Lisboa, Edições Cosmos, 1973.

KULA, Witold, Problemas y metodos de la historia económica, 3ª ed., Barcelona, Editorial. Península, 1977.

S. CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion, e PÉREZ BRIGNOLI, H., Los métodos de la historia. Introducción a los pro-blemas, métodos y técnicas de la historia demográfica, económica y social, 7ª ed., Barcelona, Crítica, 1999.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 20%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 80%