Research in Educational Contexts

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To recognize the importance of research in approaching educational issues.

2. To analyze scientific articles to assess their quality in terms of their content and form.

3. To recognize the ethical implications of research procedures.

4. To plan an educational research.

5. To carry out process research, both in real-life situations and/or practical exercises.

6. To demonstrate inquiry habits and reflexive as well arguing ability during research tasks and in the academic research report.

7. To demonstrate capacity for team work.


Meaning and usefulness of research in education.

2. Paradigms of research in education.

3. Ethical issues in educational research.

4. Planning a educational research project.

5. How do literature review.

6. Data collection (interview, direct observation, questionnaire, diary, among others).

7. Analysis and interpretation of results.

8. Drawing up an academic research report.

Teaching Methodologies

Information available soon.


Freixo, M. J. V. (2011). Metodologia científica. Fundamentos, métodos e técnicas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

Ghiglione, R., & Matalon, B. (1997). O inquérito. Teoria e prática. Oeiras: Celta Editora.

Goetz, J. P., & LeCompte, M. D. (1984). Ethnography and Qualitative Design in Educational Research. Orlando FL: Academic Press.

Hill, M. M., & Hill, A. (2002). Investigação por questionário. Lisboa: Sílabo.

Lederman, N. G. & Abell, S. K. (2014). Handbook of Research on Science Education. New York: Routledge.

Lessard-Hébert, M., Goyete, G., & Boutin, G. (1994). Investigação qualitativa. Fundamentos e práticas. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

Lima, J. A., & Pacheco, J. A. (Orgs.) (2006). Fazer investigação. Contributos para a elaboração de dissertações e teses. Porto: Porto Editora.

Quivy, R., & Campenhoudt, L. V. (1998). Manual de investigação em ciências sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva.

Teo, T. (2013). Handbook of quantitative methods for educational research. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 18 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours
  • Trabalho de Campo - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Report on the implementation of the research project initially outlined : 60%
  • Research work: 40%