Adult Education

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To analyse different steps in the affirmation process of Adult Training and Education in Portugal, taking into consideration the European and global context;
To relate the education and adult training processes with the dynamics of education and personal and community life;
To clarify the differences and similarities between the formal school education systems and the adult education and training systems;
To conceptualise lifelong education and the proficiency requirements of various types of literacies that are part of different civic and career paths;
To explain aspects that contribute to enhance the multidimensional development of adults;
To problematize the procedures for validating and formalising knowledge, expertise and skills in light of Education Ethics to ensure the suitability of processes;
To know and practice learning methodologies and methods in adult education and training
To relate Information Society and Knowledge Society in Adult Education


1. Adult Education as a training process in life and in formal and non-formal learning contexts;

2. Adult Education, Educational System and School and Training Subsystem;

3. School, (de)schooling, training and identities in Adult Education;

4. Lifelong education, literacies and literacy;

5. Multiple ways of being an adult and of achieving multidimensional development and participation;

6. Knowledge, training, formalisation, qualification, empowerment and certification;

7. Education ethics and validation and formalisation processes;

8. Different adult audiences, paths, training needs, diversity and unity;

9. Life, being a person and subject of education;

10. Self-training, training by others and eco training;

11. Information Society and Knowledge Society in Adult Education;

12. Adult pedagogy and learning methods;

13. Experience, Project and Autobiographical Method;

14. Education and Human Anthropology in Adult Education.

Teaching Methodologies

Teaching methodologies are in line with the learning outcomes that are also mediated by teaching (as a dynamic and promoting practice not of propositional reason but of questioning reason). When preparing and presenting individual, pair and/or group work, students can resort to different methodologies and different types of didactic organisation; they share their findings with their peers and, in the case of conferences and colloquia, also with people with different backgrounds and with the community in general. This also reveals the connection between methodologies and outcomes. There will be theoretical, theoretical-practical and practical classes. Analysis and research will be carried out in light of the outcomes and syllabus. If possible, there will be field trips. Evaluation will be based on a written test (70%) and on an individual paper (30%).


Dewey, J. (1997). Experience and Education. Nova Iorque: Touchstone Book.
Dias, J. R. (1982). A Educação de Adultos. Introdução histórica. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
Dominicé, P. (2000). L'Histoire de Vie Comme Processus de Formation. Paris: Édition l'Harmattan.
Finger, M. & Asún, J. M. (2003). A Educação de Adultos numa Encruzilhada. Aprender a nossa saída. Porto: Porto Editora.
Oliveira, C. C.; Paulo, J. C.; Antunes, M. C. (1999). (Orgs). Educação de Adultos e Intervenção Comunitária. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
Silvestre, A. S. (2003). Educação/Formação de Adultos como Dimensão Dinamizadora do Sistema
Educativo/Formativo. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.
Legislação, nacional e internacional, Recomendações (CNE, exemplo: 1986 e 2013 sobre Educação e Formação de Adultos, publicados no Diário da República) e Documentos Internacionais (como, por exemplo, as orientações e documentos de Elsiner, 1949; Montreal, 1960; Tokyo, 1972; Nairobi, 1976; Paris, 1985).



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 70%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 30%