1. To know different aspects of educational animation that contribute to improving children’s and youngsters’ quality of life.
2. To acquire and mobilize concepts and theories about the playful , cultural and artistic subjects in educational activities for development and children's learning.
3. To reflect, in an interdisciplinary way, the educational and sociocultural potential of recreational activities (childhood play, recreation, games, leisure and sports) and artistic (expression, creation and communication in visual and plastic, dramatic, musical and body movements).
4. To promote educational activities, actions and projects in educational activities.
5. To contribute to the dissemination of the Azorean culture, tourism, sports and arts.
6. To participate in research on education for sociocultural, recreational and sports, and expressive and artistic activities.
I. The role of culture, play and art in education. Theories and values associated with the educational and cultural role: the game (free play, recreational activities in leisure and physical and sports activities); the practices of expression / artistic in childhood and youth. The potential of arts and play ativities in a interdisciplinary dimension and in aimed at multidimensional and inclusive development of children and young people.
II. The relationship of culture, play and art with current policies and cultural and sports associations. The role of associations - analysis of several groups (Folk, Philharmonic,etc.) in personal development and in the projection (inter) national region.
III. The training of professional in educational animation and intervention methods - profile and training priorities for mediation practices. Selection and promotion of activities, actions and projets in a variety of educational contexts.
Analysis and reflection on animation methods and techniques
This course includes informational and practical sessions, based on the analysis and discussion of legislation, scientific articles and films, observation, implementation and analysis of practices, as well as the development of topic s, by the students.
Research work will be of high importance and, whenever possible, cooperation and exchange of knowledge between students will be promoted.
The moments of assessment of knowledge in this discipline are:
• Work carried out over the practical sessions (50% NF)
• Field work to be present in a seminar (50% NF)
Condessa, I.. (2009). (Re)Aprender a Brincar: Da Especificidade à Especialidade. P.Delgada: U.Açores/ FCT.
Condessa, I., Fialho, A. (2010). (Re)Aprender a Brincar: na Barca do PIRATA. P.Delgada: U.Açores/ FCT.
Ferraz, M. (2011). Educação Expressiva. Um Novo Paradigmas. Col. Expressão em terapias. Vol.II. Lisboa: Tuttirév Ed.
Fróis, J.P. (2000). Educação Estética e Artística. Abordagens Transdisciplinares. Lisboa: FCG.
IAC. (2011). Guia do Animador. Ideias e práticas para criar e inovar. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo.
Martins, A. (2002). Didáctica das Expressões. Lisboa: UAberta.
Merillas, O.F. (2003). La Educación Patrimonial. Teoria y Práctica en el Aula, el Museo e Internet. Gijón: Ed. Trea, S.L.
Simões, H. ( 2006). Animação Cultural: três andamentos de compreensão. Lisboa: Horizonte.
Souza, E., Nascimento, J., Azevedo, E.. & Pereira, B. (2015). Educação Física, Lazer e Saúde: interfaces ao desenvolvimento humano. Coleção Temas em Movimento. Volume 6. Florianópolis: UDESC.