Challenge and Contemporary Aesthetics

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1- To analyze the most representative philosophical texts for this course.
2- To promote reflection and critical thinking as an organizer and facilitator of the contemporary challenges in the field of Aesthetics.
3- To develop the right requirements for the discourse, oral and written.
4- To recognize Aesthetic as the cognitive- affective moment of Philosophy.


1 ) The art and the aesthetics’ dimension in education
2 ) The End of Art and the Revitalization of Aesthetics
3 ) The Kitsch and the artwork . Ethical and aesthetic reflections
4) Art’s Dehumanization
5 ) The wake of imagination in the XVIII century
6) The Real and the Possible
7) Aesthetics values at the dawn of the twenty-first century
8) Merleau- Ponty - " Cezanne’s Doute " as propaedeutic of the art in the XXI century
9) The artistic object in the XXI century - Bio- Art
10) Phenomenology and artwork in Husserl
11) Phenomenology and Bio- Art

Teaching Methodologies

Seminars based on interactive methods: hermeneutic, phenomenological and argumentative ones.

- Continuous evaluation
- Development of a critical work on a chosen theme.


DIAS, Isabel Matos (coord) Estéticas e Artes. Controvérsias para o séc. XXI, Centro de Filosofia da Univ. de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2005, pp 195-205.
DUFRENNE, M., A estética e as ciências da arte, Liv. Bertrand, Lisboa, 1982
FERRY, Luc, Homo aestheticus, a invenção do gosto na era democrática, trad. De Miguel Serras Pereira, nota de apresentação de António Pedro Pita, Almedina, Coimbra, 2003
HEIDEGGER, Martin, Filosofia, ciência y técnica, prólogos de Francisco Soler e Jorge Acevedo, Editorial Universitária, Santiago, Chile, 2007 (5ª).
KEARNEY, Richard -The wake of imagination, Routledge, London, 1994 - Poétique du possible, phénoménologie herméneutique de la figuration, Beauchesne, Paris, 1984
ORTEGA Y GASSET, José, A desumanização da arte e outros ensaios de estética, trad. Miguel Serras Pereira, Almedina, Coimbra 2003, pp 39-74
SABROVSKY, Eduardo, La técnica en Heidegger, Antologia de textos a cargo do autor, Ediciones Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile, 2007, Tomo 2



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 20 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 20 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%