Portuguese Literature: Medieval Legacy

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1. To know the main defining traits of medieval man and his world.

2. To realize the specific implications ot the word and concept of "literature", whenever related to the Middle Ages.

3. To recognize and grasp the different modes of the Galician and Portuguese aesthetic expression, and be aware of the distinct viewpoints and levels of complexity required by such knowledge.


1. On the Middle Ages as an historical, cultural and literary "entity":

1.1 The medieval man — a tentative description;

1.2. The specific problems concerning the word and concept of "literature" whenever it relates to a medieval context;

1.3. The oral and written practices in the system of production, circulation and reception of the so called "medieval literature".

2. On the Galician and Portuguese troubadours' poetry:

2.1. The linguistic and geocultural context;

2.2. The manuscript tradition;

2.3. Places and agents of the poetic production, means of circulation, and modes of reception;

2.4. Working with the texts: textual kinds and subkinds, texts and contexts (reading, analysis and interpretation of selected texts).

Teaching Methodologies

Classes will be theoretical-practical in nature: presentation of the key terms and concepts, the analytical devices, and the data required by the various themes to be covered.


LANCIANI, Giulia & TAVANI, Giuseppe (coordenação de)
Dicionário da literatura medieval galega e portuguesa. Lisboa: Caminho, 1993
SD 82(03) L 239d 69280 E1 e E2

BREA, Mercedes (coord.)
Lírica profana galego-portuguesa: corpus completo das cantigas medievais.
Santiago de Compostela: Centro de Investigaciones Lin-guísticas e Literarias Ramón Piñeiro, 1996
SD 869.0(08)-1 B841 81245 V1 e V2

TAVANI, Giuseppe
A poesia lírica galego-portuguesa.
Lisboa: Comunicação, 1990
SD 869.0.09 T227poe 73799 E1 e E2

Nota: Outras indicações bibliográficas de feição mais específica serão mencionadas em contexto lectivo e aver-badas no sumário das aulas às quais respeitem.

2 SÍTIOS ELECTRÓNICOS RELEVANTES (acerca dos quais se fa-lará...):
• https://cantigas.fcsh.unl.pt/
• http://www.cirp.es/



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 2 Trabalhos Escritos: 100%