International Marketing

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The international marketing course is design to offer students a practical and theoretical overview of international marketing and its’ importance in today’s competitive market place. It aims to enable students and promote a thorough understanding of international marketing theory and key concepts. It is also aimed with this course:

1. To enlarge knowledge and understanding of vocabulary associated with international marketing strategy;

2. To realize the complexities of international markets;

3. To promote an awareness of international marketing strategies processes, context and enablers/inhibitors;

4. To develop capabilities to define strategies and operational plans for a international marketing plan;

5. To promote an understanding of the implications related to the implementation, monitoring and control of the international plan.

This will enable students to become broad minded with intent of seeing business from foreign exporter and local importer.


The course of international marketing is divided in five parts:

Part 1: Introduction to Global Marketing

Part 2: The Global Environments: Economic, Social, Cultural, Political, Legal, and Regulatory Environments

Part 3: Consumer Behavior

Part 4: Global Market Entry Strategies and Global Market Research

Part 5: International Marketing Plan

Teaching Methodologies

A combination of lectures, videos, discussions, group projects and written assignments will be used to achieve the objectives of this course. The focus of all course activities will be on understanding and application of the concepts presented.


Keegan, W. e Green, M. (2011). Global Marketing, 6ª Ed., Prentice Hall

Kotabe, M. e Helsen, K. (2010). Global Marketing Management, 5ª Ed., Hoboken, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: NJ.

Czinkota, M., Kotabe, M. e Ronkainen, I. (2011). The Future of Global Business, New York: Routledge.

Viana, C. e Hortinha, J. (2002). Marketing Internacional, 2.ª Ed., Edições Sílabo: Lisboa.

Czinkota, M. e Ronkainen, I. (2004). International Marketing, 7.ª Ed., Thomson South-Western.

Johansson, J. (2003). Global Marketing Foreign Entry, Local Marketing, and Global Management, 3ª Ed., Mc Graw-Hill/Irwin



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 60%
  • Group project: 40%