Human Geography

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1. Understand the role of Human geography in Geography context;

2. Provide an overview of some actual issues in Human Geography to the students;

3. Discuss the concepts and the most important methodologies/perspectives used in Human Geography;

4. Present contexts to provide a practical view of some issues and approaches.


1. Introduction to Human Geography. Space concepts, Time and Place

2. Portugal. Geographical position and geographic data base. The articulation of this European territory between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.

3. The Azores: Atlantic Region

4. Human Activities


4.2. Industry

4.3. Services

5. Settlement and population dynamics

5.1. Settlement, Flows and Networks

5.2. Dynamics occupation and Territory Development

6. Territorial Pressures and Management

6.1. Territorial pressures

6.2. Structure, cohesion and competitiveness of the territory

Teaching Methodologies

The methodologies used are based on expository methods of theoretical content; Reading, critical analysis and oriented discussion. The teaching method is mostly classroom and can co-exist moments of e-learning platform by using Moodle to guide discussion of some specific contents.


Walmsley, D. J., Lewis, G. J., Human Geography: Behavioural Approaches, editora Longman scientific & Technical, Nova Iorque, 1984.

Ribeiro, O., Portugal: o Mediterrâneo e o Atlântico: esboço de relações geográficas, Lisboa: Livraria Sá da Costa Editora, 1987

Ribeiro, O., Mediterrâneo: Ambiente e Tradição, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1968.

Ribeiro, O., Lautensach., Geografia de Portugal, Lisboa : Ediçöes Joäo Sá da Costa, 1995-1991

Sack, R. D., Human territoriality : its theory and history, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009

Medeiros, C. A., Portugal: esboço breve de geografia humana, Lisboa: Terra Livre, 1976

Salgueiro, T. B., A cidade em Portugal: uma geografia urbana, Porto: Ed. Afrontamento, 1992

Brito, R. S. (dir.), Portugal: perfil geográfico, Lisboa: Editorial Estampa, 1994

Arroteia, J. C., Portugal: perfil geográfico e social, Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1986



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours