Management of Residuals

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It was intended that students acquire basic training in the area of Solid Waste Management (SWM). This is presently required in terms of citizenship, but indispensable to those who may hold future positions of leadership and management positions in companies from various branches, public or private. This teaching unit also aims to prepare the master course students with knowledge and tools for participation in and compliance with PLAGER:GOV in the public administration of The Azores Autonomous Region. This course is also intended for those performing functions of school or secondary school teaching or worker training, transmitting correct basic notions of SWM to young people, since the participation of citizens and professional has become essential to proper functioning of modern systems of solid waste management.


1 European Policy/Legislation on Solid Waste Management ( SWM )

2 Environmental contraventions
3 Main Decree-Law of SWM
4 Legislation for the Azores
5 Legislation on Registration of Waste
6 Legislation on Waste transport
7 Legislation on Hospital Waste
8 Legislation on Waste Products of Animal Origin
9 The legislative context of the ex-CER and the European Waste List
10 Complementary legislation
11 National Solid Waste Plan and Strategic Plans
12 Introduction and historical evolution of SWM
13 Production and adequate Waste Management versus Pollution from Waste
14 Pollution from waste on land and at sea
15 Pollution from waste by citizens
16 Policy and General Principles of SWM
17 The SWM as an ongoing , planned and integrated process
18 Legislation on Landfills
19 Recovery/Recycling of materials from selective collection of waste types and pathways
20 Types of waste; Selective Collection; Screening
21 Waste pathways
22 Biodegradable Waste

Teaching Methodologies

The main teaching methods were the explanation and exposition of the preliminary and basic theoretical underpinnings of the course program which considers its multiple structuring elements, using the widest variety of teaching resources, including those offered by the new technologies of communication, information and research, and develop students research skills, reasoning, imagination, sensitivity to the essence of the theme studied and critical and innovative spirit to the formulation of a proposal for new solutions to some of the issues studied. Students were assessed mainly through written tests, while participating in classes and during subsequent contacts with the teacher for evaluation preparation.


1. “Gestão de Resíduos”; Martinho, M. G. e M. G. Gonçalves; Universidade Aberta. 1999.
2. Resíduos (Legislação e Jurisprudência) – Colecção Ambiente – c/ Cd-ROM (2008) ;Porto Editora; Autor: RMV &
Resíduos (Legislação e Jurisprudência) – Colecção Ambiente – c/ Cd-ROM (2008)
3. “Resíduos Sólidos e Urbanos – Princípios e Processos”; Levy Quinhones e Artur Cabeças; Associação das
Empresas Portuguesas para o Sector do Ambiente. 2006.
4. “Integrated Solid Waste Management – Engineering Principles and Management Issues”; Tchobanoglous, G., H.
Theisen e S. A. Vigil; McGraw-Hill International Editions; 1993.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 15 hours