City and Urban Heritage

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Generic skills:

Improve the capacity for analysis and synthesis;

Develop the ability to handle complex information, the scientific spirit, critical thinking and original opening and interdisciplinary;

Improve the quality of written and oral expression;

Become familiar with the new technologies of information and communication; To develop entrepreneurship, skills and participation in group action.

Specific Skills:

Improve the perception of social relevance of knowledge about the city and urban property values ;

Learn how to handle tools and methodologies appropriate to the production of knowledge about the city and heritage, in particular, acquire scientific and technical expertise in research and inventory of urban heritage;

Understand the evolution of the Portuguese city, recognizing the morphologies and production codes in urban and relevance of urban Portuguese heritage in the world.



1.1. The city, multidisciplinary field.

1.2. The urban heritage.


2.1. Primitive forms of urban settlement and urban Roman colonization.

2.2. The cities of the West Peninsular in Late Antiquity and the High Middle Ages.

2.3. The towns of Gharb al-Andalus.

2.4. The medieval Christian city and the constitution of the urban network of the kingdom of Portugal.

2.5. In times of "globalization": the cities of the Kingdom and the first colonial cities.

2.6. Urban portuguese Modern Age: fortification and urban change; colonial cities of tra-market regular; Pombaline strokes.


3.1. The invention of the historic city and urban heritage.

3.2. Research, inventory, protection and education of urban heritage.

3.3. Redevelopment, rehabilitation and urban conservation. Historic centers and cultural sustainability.

Teaching Methodologies

Given the nature of the course, the main function is assigned to the student, setting up as a learning process. The methodologies adopted in the process of thinking of the group are:

a) The directed discussion;

b) The seminar itself, both focused on the presentation and discussion of topics prepared by students, from literature proposal or presentation and discussion of ongoing work.

The valorization of the interactive method aims to ensure a participatory learning and critical.

The theoretical and practical component of the presentations will be supplemented with the approach of informational materials of different nature, with a view to addressing the multifaceted problems of the city and urban heritage.


CHOAY, F., A alegoria do património, Lisboa, 2000.

Cidade e Democracia. 30 Anos de Transformação Urbana em Portugal, coord. A. Domingues, Lisboa, 2006.

GIOVANNONI, G., L’urbanisme face aux villes anciennes, Paris, 1998.

Histoire de l’Europe urbaine, dir. por Jean-Luc Pinol, 2 vols., Paris, 2003.

KOSTOF, S., The City Shaped, Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History, London, 1991.

KOSTOF, S., The City Assembled. The Elements of Urban Form Through History, London, 1992.

Plural de cidade: novos léxicos urbanos, org. por Carlos Fortuna e Rogério Proença Leite, Coimbra, 2009.

QUEIROZ, F.; PORTELA, A., Conservação urbana e territorial integrada. Lisboa, 2009.

REGATÃO, J., Arte pública e os novos desafios das intervenções no espaço urbano, s/l, 2010.

ROSSA, W., A urbe e o traço. Uma década de estudos sobre o urbanismo português, Coimbra, 2002.

TEIXEIRA, M.; VALLA, M., O urbanismo português, séculos XIII-XVIII, Portugal-Brasil, Lisboa, 1999.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 10%
  • Research work: 90%