Pedagogical Training I

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1. To mobilize, in an integrated way, scientific, didactic and methodological knowledge in the context of preschool education;

2. To decide on educational practice in a reflective and investigative approach;

3. To plan educational situations in alignment with the formal curriculum and adequate to the context;

4. To implement educational practices with flexibility, managing expected and unexpected occurrences, aiming children's relevant learning in an orderly environment wherein their diversity is respected;

5. To develop processes of formative and summative assessment, in order to promote a continuous regulation of the instructional process, as well as global accounts on children's learning;

6. To promote collaborative work within the school community, as well as within the educational community at large;

7. To reveal, in regard to all the dimensions of educational practice, personal competences that allow teaching to be guided by ethical and deontological principles.


Considering that this curricular unit (UC) concerns an internship, the syllabus approaches the processes inherent to students' performance in:

1) Planning the educational process in preschool education (implying the knowledge of the official curriculum documents, curricular theory, educational priorities, components and articulation of educational options);

2) Educational action (implying contextual decision making, the operationalization of methodologies, classroom activities and interactions);

3) Evaluating the actions developed (implying mastery of concepts and procedures of formative assessment and reflection-on-action).

Teaching Methodologies

The practical character of the UC of Internship implies a strong immersion and intervention in preschool educational context, with 230 hours of contact. Tutoring hours (40 hours) will be used to support the students in educational context analysis and lesson planning tasks, as well as to promote reflection and critical analysis of the students’ practice. Seminar time (45 hours) The organization and the functioning of this course will follow the UAc's regulation of Teaching Practices.

Students assessment will be based on:

1) The design of an individual project of educational intervention;

2) The performance in supervised teaching and evaluation of educational options and their impact in children's' learning, as well as in future educational action;

3) The reflections made in seminar times. The domain of spoken and written portuguese language will be continuously assessed.


- Altet, M. (2000). Análise das Práticas dos Professores e das Situações Pedagógicas. Porto: Porto Editora

- Lopes da Silva, M.I. (1997). Orientações Curriculares para a Educação Pré-Escolar. Lisboa: Editorial do Ministério da Educação.

- Ministério da Educação (1996). Educação Pré-Escolar em Portugal. Lisboa: Editorial do Ministério da Educação.

- Ministério da Educação (1998). Qualidade e Projecto na Educação Pré-escolar. Lisboa: Editorial do Ministério da Educação

- Portugal, G. & Laevers, F. (2010) Avaliação em Educação Pré-Escolar. Sistema de acompanhamento das crianças. Porto: Porto Ed.

- Saracho, O.N & Spodek, B. (2003). Recent Trends and Innovations in the Early Childhood Education Curriculum. Early Child Development and Care, 173 (2-3), 175-183.

- Vasconcelos, T. (Coord.) et al (2011). Trabalhos por Projetos na Educação de Infância: Mapear Aprendizagens, Integrar Metodologias. Lisboa: DGIDC/MEC

- Zufiaurre, B. & Gabari, M.I. (2002). Didáctica para Maestras. Madrid. Editorial CCS



ECTS Credits



  • Estágio - 230 hours
  • Orientação Tutorial - 6 hours
  • Seminário - 45 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%