Water Use Management

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This course aims the inclusion of hydrology concepts and technologies for water catchment, water treatment and use. The central objective is to enhance the integrated management of water resources in island regions, taking into account the specific needs of domestic, agricultural and industrial supply.

The course focuses on the following objectives:

1) know the main concepts of water management to multiples uses;

2) know the main uses and needs of water;

3) know how works the function and management of water supply;

4) know the institutional, politics and legal water uses;

5) know the models and tools of water management;

6) know and to argue the problems and strategies of water efficiency use in islands regions.


1. Introduction - water management

2. Water uses

2.1. Domestic supply

2.2. Industrial management

2.3. Other uses.

3. Water withdrawal, stock and distribution

3.1. Water withdrawal, addition and treatments

3.2. Water stocks and distributions.

3.3. Control and management entities.

4. Water uses management

4.1. International, national and regional policies

4.2. Institutional and legal framework

4.3. Water management models.

4.4. Economic and financial tools.

5. Water use and climate changes.

6. Education and communications for the rational use of water. 

7. Integrated strategies to water use management: Cases-studies in islands regions.

Teaching Methodologies

The course unit includes theoretical and theoretical-practical classes. In the theoretical classes will be approached conceptual program contents, using expository methodologies. The theoretical-practical classes focus on the analysis of real problems, using legislation, studies, projects, technical reports and institutional websites with contents that can promote the discussion of the topics.


Custódio, E. Llamas, M.R.Hidrologia Subterrânea. 2ª ed. Ed. Omega, 1983

Fetter, C.W., Applied hydrogeology. Prentice Hall, inc. 1994. (ISBN 0-13-088239-9)

Graffon, R. Q., K. Hussey, Water Resources Planning and Management .Cambridge University Press, 2011

Grigg, N., Governance and Management for Sustainable Water Systems. IWA  Publishing, 2010.

Lenton, R., M. Muller, Integrated Water Resources Management in Practice: Better Water Management for Development. Earthscan, Ltd., 2009

Jóhannesson, T., Aðalgeirsdóttir, G. and Björnsson, H., Effect of climate change on hydrology and hydro-resources in Iceland. NEA, 2007. (ISBN 9789979682240).

Maidment, David, R., Handbook of Hydrology. McGraw-Hill, 2006 (ISBN 0-07-039732-5)

Renken, R.A., Geology and hydrogeology of the Caribbean islands aquifer system of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. USGS, 2002. (ISBN 0-607-99361-8)

White, I, Falkland, T., Management of freshwater lenses on small Pacific islands. Hydrogeology Journal, 2010 – Springer Verlag.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 34 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 12 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 20%
  • Frequency: 60%
  • Research work: 20%