Sociology of Health

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1.  Consider the contributions of Sociology in the reflection on the phenomenon of health / disease;

2. Understand health / illness as a multidimensional phenomenon;

3. Understand, as a future nursing professional, the importance of caring for people as beings endowed with identity, living in multicultural contexts.

4. Develop interest and curiosity in scientific research based on social science research methodologies and techniques.

5. Promote, as a future nursing professional, the humanization of care, in the context of clinical practice integrated into the health system.


Information available soon.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical sessions

The expository / participatory method will be privileged, interspersed with individual and group reflection works, in order to concretely interconnect theory and practical reality. Lecturers will be invited whenever the theme to be addressed justifies it, encouraging students to reflect on certain areas of knowledge.

Theoretical-practical sessions

Students will be invited to carry out individual works of reflection and research, in order to encourage a critical spirit, the understanding of the sociological reality and stimulating reading and scientific thinking.

Students will also be guided in the preparation of group work, in the sense of building an object of study, which should lead to bibliographic research and the presentation of a work at the end of the semester.


Information available soon.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 26 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 38 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 35%
  • 2nd Frequency: 35%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 30%