Sociology of work

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This course seeks to provide students with a sociological approach to Labour as a reality of all ages and a driving force of human societies. The methods of work and employment, as well as how it is spread, dictate, today, the social condition of existence, and therefore essentially the ways of life. Work is a source of wealth, integration, identity and inequality. By the different dimensions involved, work is a most complex object of study.

Understanding the complexity of work, its evolution and its place in society is the core of the problem elaborated here, even though the main focus will be on the new problems emerging in the fields of employment and industrial relations on a global, European and national scale.


The concept and meaning of work in its transformations

The main theoretical work in Western thought

Ideologies, values and work ethics

The historical reality of work and the conditions of workers

From bonded labour to the capitalist enterprise and the labour market

The contributions of Marx, Durkheim and Weber: social division and technical division

Work relations, employment and professional relations

The question of wages and the material and social equivalent of work

New issues and problems related to work, unemployment and the profession

The problems of first employment and child labour

The labor struggles and movements in defense of working conditions

The analysis of the work processes, the labour act and meaning

Addressing work organization and processes in its diversity and specificity

The decomposition of functional rhythms and the classification of performance

The future of human labour in the information society

Teaching Methodologies

The dynamics of teaching classes of this nature involves the creation of space for debate on known examples and empirical studies that could contribute to the enlightenment and enrichment of the issues raised and current issues such as unemployment and requalification. The question of personal experiences of life trajectories and experiences known to work and the employment relationship is reason to introduce learning activities guided by the objectives of self-discovery. The assessment for the course consists of two written tests; one may be replaced by documentary research and observation leading to the development of a monograph of a profession. Both elements have equal weight in the final grade.


DUBAR, Claude, A socialização. Construção das identidades sociais e profissionais, Porto Editora,1997.

FITOUSSI, J. & ROSANVALLON, P. (1997), A nova era das desigualdades. Oeiras: Celta.

FREIRE, João, Sociologia do trabalho: Uma introdução, Porto, Edições Afrontamento, 1993.

FRIEDMANN, Gerorges e Pierre Naville, Tratado de sociologia do trabalho, 2 vol.s, São Paulo, Cultrix, 1973.

JACCARD, Pierre, História Social do trabalho, Lisboa, circulo de Leitores, s/d.

JACCARD, Pierre, Psicossociologia do trabalho, Lisboa, Moraes Editores, 1969.

LEFRANC, Georges, História do trabalho e dos trabalhadores, Lisboa, Europress, 1988.

MÉDA, Dominique, O trabalho – Um valor em via de extinção, Lisboa, Fim de século, 1999.

RODRIGUES, Maria João, O Sistema de emprego em Portugal. Crise e mutações, col. "economia e gestão", 2ª Edição, Lisboa, Dom Quixote,1992.

SENNETT, Richard, A corrosão do carácter — As consequências pessoais do trabalho no novo capitalismo, Lisboa, Terramar, 2001



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • 2nd Frequency: 40%
  • Presentation of a practical case of a monograph of a professional function: 20%