Sociology of the Family

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Throughout physical, relational and symbolic time, the family has undergone, especially in Western societies, significant changes during the last three decades, continuing a historical process that has been felt in particular since the late eighteenth century. This course aims to provide basic knowledge about the formation and dynamics of the family in Western modernity and to introduce students to the various types of theoretical approaches.

Along with some functions that have remained, especially its contribution to the reproduction of society (which, after all, has also changed), other family functions have appeared. In addition, the functioning of the domestic group has transformed itself as a result of: declining birth rates, changes in the sexual division of labor, the invention of new forms of conjugal relationship that reflect on the emotions, autonomy and new forms of socialization between parents and children.


I-Theories and approaches in the sociology of family

1. The family as a fundamental institution and the social construction;

2. The classical authors of Le Play to T. Parsons and R. Bales;

3. Contemporary authors and their theoretical contributions (P. Ariès, W. Good and M. Segalen).

II-The transformations and mutations of the family in the West

1. Models and historical family types;

2. Social change and family dynamics;

3. Household economy and family structure;

4. Changes in social roles of gender and communication;

5. New behaviors and new family models.

III-A Family Situation in Portugal

1. The fundamental elements of change within the Portuguese family;

2. Structural and demographic characteristics of the Portuguese family;

3. Entry into marriage and family breakdown in Portugal.

Teaching Methodologies

Given the objectives, we opted for a more sustainable approach in specific theories, both classical and contemporary, and in the contributions of various social sciences in order to give students the understanding and analysis of the family institution in its range of variations and types.


Almeida, Ana Nunes et al., “Relações familiares: mudança e diversidade”, in José Manuel Leite Viegas; António

Firmino da Costa (orgs.), Portugal, que modernidade?, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 1998.

Ariès, Philippe, História Social da Criança e da Família, Rio de Janeiro, Zahar Editores, 1981.

Goode, William (1970), A Família, S.Paulo, Bibiloteca Pioneira de Ciências Sociais.

Leandro, Maria Engrácia, Sociologia da família nas sociedades contemporâneas, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta, 2001.

Perista, Heloísa “Género e trabalho não pago: os tempos das mulheres e os tempos dos homens”, Análise Social, 163, 2002, pp. 447-474.

Saraceno, Chiara, Sociologia da Família, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 1997.

Segalen, Martine, Sociologia da Família, Lisboa, Terramar, 1999.

Torres, Anália Cardoso, Vida Conjugal e Trabalho. Uma perspectiva Sociológica, Oeiras, Celta, 2004.

Wall, Karin, “Elementos sobre a Sociologia da Família em Portugal”, in Análise Social, n.º 123-124, 1993, pp. 999-1009.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual / group work : 45%
  • Individual / group work : 45%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 10%