Introduction to Sociology

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To study the basic concepts and theories of sociology, as well as to attain competencies in scientific practice. The objective is for students to acquire competencies concerning the structure of sociological knowledge and its construction, as well as of the mediation processes between individual and society.


1. Introduction to the study of Sociology

1.1. Sociological study and methods of study

1.2. Theories and concepts

2. Sociology as a Critical Discipline

2.1. Subject and scope

2.2. Society and Sociology

2.3. Resistance to sociological interpretation

2.4. The specificity of sociological knowledge

3. The Genesis of Sociology

3.1. Origins and founders: Positivism and Evolutionism

3.2. Historical Materialism

3.3. Sociology and sociological method (Émile Durkheim)

3.4. Sociological comprehension (Max Weber)

4. Instances and processes of mediation, individual and society

4.1. Civilization process

4.2. Culture and society

4.3. Socialization and the life cycle

4.4. Social representations and social values

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition of the content to be taught, employing a theoretical-practical approach, with student participation, viewing videos followed by group discussion, presentation of illustrative aspects of the program content and conducting evaluations.


Almeida, João Ferreira de (1994), Introdução à Sociologia, Lisboa, Universidade Aberta.

Aron, Raymond (1994), As Etapas do Pensamento Sociológico, Lisboa, Publicações Dom Quixote.

Berger, Peter L.; Luckmann, Thomas (1997), A Construção Social da Realidade, Petrópolis, Editorial Vozes.

Cruz, Manuel Braga da (1995), Teorias Sociológicas. Os fundadores e os clássicos, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Cuche, Denys (1999), A noção de cultura nas ciências sociais, Lisboa, Fim de Século.

Durkheim, Émile (1984), As regras do método sociológico, Lisboa, Ed. Presença.

Elias, Norbert (1989), O processo civilizacional, Vol. I e Vol. II, Lisboa, Pub. Dom Quixote.

Giddens, Anthony (1997), Sociologia, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

Gíner, Salvador (1997), Sociología, Barcelona, Ed. Península.

Silva, Augusto Santos; Pinto, José Madureira (orgs.) (1986), Metodologia das Ciências Sociais, Porto, Ed. Afrontamento.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 60%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 40%