Modern history

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The program consists in a general analysis of Modern Age in Europe. Therefore, the main goal is for students to understand the European historical developments between centuries XV/XVI and XVIII/XIX. This refers to the period between the beginning of the maritime expansion, which contrasts with the bigger medieval isolation, and the outbreak of the Western and Atlantic revolutions that announce the transformations of contemporaneity. However, since the Curricular Unit is taught at a Portuguese university, the role of Portugal in the advent and affirmation of European modernity, based on the Portuguese Discoveries, which contributes to the improvement of knowledge on the world, requires an appropriate reference. Besides, the explanation of the topics is made with the intention to systematize knowledge, as well as to adopt an attitude of problematization in order to understand and connect the facts and the contexts in different times and places.


1. Concepts and Chronologies

2. Portugal and the advent ff Modernity: discoveries and globalization.

3. Politics, administration and war

3.1. From medieval tradition to the emergence of the Modern State

4. From Iberian hegemony to northern supremacy

5. Society and economics

5.1. Population: crises and growth; mobility

5.2. Social model: tradition and change

5.3. The economic system: manorialism, mercantilism and industrialization

6. Cultures, religion and mentalities

6.1. Humanism and renaissance

6.2. Reform and counter-reform

6.3. From scientific revolution to the Age of Enlightenment

7. Western and Atlantic revolutions and the dawn of contemporainety

7.1. The overthrow of the Old Regime

7.2. The triumph of Liberalism, Democracy and Nationalisms

Teaching Methodologies

Considering that Modern History is a general Curricular Unit, a faithful and organized transmission of the contents of the syllabus is essential in order to achieve the goal of global comprehension, based on the com-bination of the several parts inherent to the syllabus. Besides, the professor is an advisor who warns students about the diversity of perspectives, allowing students to develop an ability to problematize, and about the precarious nature of historical knowledge, which determines the permanent revision of such knowledge.

Consequently, lectures include the presentation of the topics of the syllabus by the professor. During these moments students are allowed to intervene as a way to promote debate and clarify issues. In addition, discussion is promoted through more practical activities, such as the analysis of texts, as well events and dates, which contributes to the understanding of the syllabus.


"BLANNING, Tim, The Pursuit of Glory. Europe, 1648-1815, Londres, Penguin Books, 2007.

BRAUDEL, Fernand, Civilização material, economia e capitalismo, 3 vols., Lisboa, Teorema. 1992-1993.

CAMERON, Euan (ed.), História da Europa Oxford: O século XVI, Porto, Fio da Palavra Editores, 2009.

CARPENTIER, Jean; LEBRUN, François, História da Europa, 3ª edição, Lisboa, Estampa, 2002.

CHAUNU, P. A civilização da Europa das luzes. Lisboa: Estampa, 1985 (2 vols).

DELUMEAU, Jean, A civilização do renascimento, Lisboa, Estampa, 1989.

DELUMEAU, Jean, Nascimento e a afirmação da Reforma, São Paulo, Livraria Pioneira, 1989.

EL KENZ, David e GANTET, Claire, Guerres et paix de religion en Europe, 16e.-17e. Siècles, Paris, Armand Colin, 2003.

ELLIOTT, J. H., A Europa dividida (1559-1598), Lisboa, Presença, 1985.

ELIAS, Nobert. O processo civilizador: Formação do estado e civilização. 2º ed. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar editores, 1993, vol. 2.

GREEN, V.H.H., Renascimento e Reforma (a Europa entre 1450 e 1660), Lisboa, Dom Quixote, 1991.

GREENGRASS, Mark, Christendom Destroyed. Europe, 1517-1648, Londres, Penguin Books, 2015.

HENRY, John, The Scientific Revoltuion and the Origins of Modern Science, 2ª ed., Nova York, Palgrave, 2002.

HALE, John, A Civilização Europeia no Renascimento, Lisboa, Presença, 2000.

HOF, Ulrich Im, A Europa no século das Luzes, Lisboa, Presença, 1995"



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 35%
  • Attendance and Participation: 30%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 35%