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Provide to the students the concepts of fundamental physics used in most science and engineering and also necessary for the understanding of biological phenomena.


1. Vectors

2. Basic physics

2.1. Vector position, velocity and acceleration.

2.2. Causes of movements. Concepts of equilibrium and stability of a material point. Newton's Laws.

2.3. Work. Kinetic and potential energy. Principle of conservation of energy.

2.4. Equilibrium of a rigid body

3. Fluids

3.1. Properties of the fluids.

3.2. Hydrostatics.

3.3. Hydrodynamics

4. Wave phenomena.

4.1. Overall properties

4.2. Reflection and refraction. Snell's laws.

4.3. Difraction.

4.4. Acoustics - the intensity of the sound.

4.5. Dispersion and diffusion of light.

4.6. Doppler effect.

4.7. Everyday phenomena and their explanation

5. Electromagnetism

Teaching Methodologies

The lectures are descriptive with the introduction of the concepts and their illustration whenever possible. In practical classes, the student will be provided a statement that it must resolve in order to put into practice what was previously presented and critically grasp the concepts.


Ferreira, J. M. 2004, Caderno de apoio às aulas.

Resnick et al., Física, Volume I, II, III e IV Livros Técnicos e Científicos Editora.

Paul Tipler, 1999 Physics , Freeman and Company.

Salgueiro L., Ferreira, J.G., 1991, Introdução à Biofísica, Fundação Caloust Gulbenkien, Lisboa.

Jorge Dias de Deus et. al. , 1992, Introdução à Física , McGraw Hill, Colecção Ciência e Técnico.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 50%
  • 2nd Frequency: 50%