History of Revolutions

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To provide an historical perspective of the impact of the Revolutions over the Western Civilization.

To underline the double significance of the Revolutions on the political and technological areas.

To understand the following concepts: Revolution and Tradition; Agriculture and pre-Industrial Societies; Ancien Régime Societies and Liberal Revolutions; Industrialization and Capitalism; Nationalism and Modernity; Liberalism and Democracy; Empires and post-Colonialism.



1.1. Revolution

1.2. Tradition


2.1. The Agriculture (Settlement; State and Historical Societies)

2.2. The Industry (Countryside-Industrial Towns;, Capitalism)

2.3. The Transport (Railroads; Steamboats; Aviation)

2.4. The Communications (Submarine Cable; Radio; TV; Internet)


3.1. English Civil War (Monarchy and Parliament)

3.2. American Revolution (Colonies and Independence)

3.3. French Revolution (Liberalism and Democracy)

3.4. Russian Revolution (Marxism and Socialist Republics)

Teaching Methodologies

Classes will be mainly theoretical. Discussion of daily news that affect our everyday life (such as the financial sustainability of the welfare state) will be encouraged in order to relate the entanglement of present events with the past revolutions.


ARENDT, Hannah, Sobre a Revolução. Lisboa: Moraes Editores. 1971

ESPADA, João Carlos (coord. de), Liberalismo: o Antigo e o Novo. Lisboa: Imprensa de Ciências Sociais. 2001

FURET, François, Pensar a Revolução Francesa. Lisboa: Edições 70. 1983

HIRSCHMAN, Albert O., O Pensamento Conservador. Perversidade, Futilidade e Risco. Lisboa: Difel. 1997

HOBSBAWM, Eric e RANGER, Terence (coord. de), A Invenção das Tradições. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Paz e Terra. 1997

HOBSBAWM, Eric, A Era das Revoluções: 1789-1848. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 1985

HOBSBAWM, Eric, A Era do Capital: 1848-1875. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 1988

HOBSBAWM, Eric, A Era do Império: 1875-1914. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 1990

HOBSBAWM, Eric, A Era dos Extremos: 1914-1991. Lisboa: Editorial Presença. 1996

RÉMOND, René, Introdução à História do nosso tempo. Do Antigo Regime aos nossos dias. Lisboa: Gradiva. 2003

TOCQUEVILLE, Alexis de, Da Democracia na América. São João do Estoril: Principia. 2001



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 10%
  • Frequency: 80%
  • Reading sheets: 10%