Italian II

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The student should be able to divide a phonetic sequence into lexical units, and to recognise simple, commonly used words and phrases. The student should be able to use a basic repertoire of words and phrases related to personal aspects and circumstances, with limited control of some basic grammatical structures, and to produce brief oral statements and simple written texts.

The student should be able to understand and use common expressions and sentences to ensure the satisfaction of concrete needs; to introduce him/herself to others; to ask and answer questions about personal details such as where he/she lives, people he/she knows and things he/she has; and to interact with others in a simple way, provided they speak slowly and clearly and are willing to help in understanding.


Irregular nouns and adjectives.

The present perfect tense (Passato prossimo).

Choosing auxiliary verbs in compound tenses and rules of agreement.

Pronouns and possessive adjectives.

The imperfect indicative tense.

Some introducers.

Irregular verbs (-porre, -durre, -trarre, and others).

Teaching Methodologies

The class is taught using written educational materials (textbooks, grammar books, dictionaries), actual texts (newspaper articles, magazines, websites, etc.) and learning activities (games, simulations, debates, songs, videos).


CIULLI C. – PROIETTI A.L., Da zero a cento. Test di (auto) valutazione sulla lingua italiana, 2005, Firenze, Alma Edizioni.

DARDANO. M. – TRIFONE, P., Grammatica italiana (com nozioni di linguística), 1988 – 10ª, Bologna, Zanichelli.

KATERINOV, K., BORIOSI M.C., La língua italiana per stranieri, 1985 (5ª), Perugia, Edizioni Guerra, Perugia.

MANELLA, C. Si! (L’italiano in mano). Manuale e corso pratico di italiano per stranieri, 2005, Firenze, Progetto Lingua.

MEA, G. Gramática Prática de Italiano para Lusófonos, 2010, Porto, Porto Editora.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • 2nd Frequency: 40%
  • Class participation, written production: 20%