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Characterize drug, medicine and toxic. To acquire knowledge on the regulatory framework for clinical research and drug approval in the EU. Knowing how to develops a drug (R & D) from the knowledge on biological targets. Know basic concepts of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics. Understand the benefit / risk. Introduction to some basic concepts of therapy. Monitoring Drug Therapy: importance in the clinical setting.


1. Brief history of Pharmacology. Concepts of drug, medicament, toxic. Scope of the various areas of study and application of medicines. Types of drugs - generic concept. Regulatory structure.

2. Pharmacokinetics / ADME system. R & D. Preclinical stages, Stage I, II, III and IV. Observational studies. Pharmacodynamics - receptors and intracellular signaling mechanisms. Therapeutic targets.

3. Basic Concepts of Therapy (benefit / risk); RAM'se clinical indication; off-label indications, life cycle of a drug; clinical diagnosis versus molecular diagnostics and drugs; pharmacogenetics; customization of therapy).

4. Monitoring Drug Therapy: importance in the clinical setting.

Teaching Methodologies

The classes integrate the presentation of the theoretical foundations included in the program. It is followed an interactive display methodology stimulating discussion of the issues presented. Learning activities are done by indication of texts and articles to be worked by the students; research and use of databases; discussing news about research; development of critical capacity.


Terapêutica Medicamentosa e Suas Bases Farmacológicas. Porto Editora.5ª edição.

Textos / slides cedidos pelo docente e disponibilizados no Moodle/ Texts / slides available in Moodle platform.

Consulta de bases de dados eletrónicas/ Electronic databases.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 9 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 9 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Paper on a review study in Pharmacology area: 100%