Experimental Basis Sciences

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The main purpose of this course is to provide students the acquisition and / or the development of knowledge and skil/s /eading to a qua/ity professional acting at the leve/ of the experimental teaching of science in preschool education and in the 1 st cycle of basic education.

To achieve the stated purpose, we established the following training objectives:

1. Acquire and / or deepen scientific knowledge.

2. Planning activities appropriate to the Preschool Education and the 1 st cyc/e of basic education.

3. Executing the experimental activities.

4. Understand the importance of experimental activities in child development.

5. Understand the importance of the scientific and technology literacy in contemporary society.


1. The language and content in the preparation of science teaching modules [activities related to the basic elements of the physical environment (air, water, rocks and soils), the creatures that live in it, the climate, the topography and the stars , among others].

2. Experimental research activities in preschool education and in the 1 st cycle of basic education – science experimental teaching.

3. Laboratory activities.

4. From experimental science to literacy.

Teaching Methodologies

The methodology of teaching and learning to follow wi/1 be in a perspective of resolution of practical activities. However, they may have different shape moments, namely:

1. Presentation (s) Topic (s) of the session, accompanied by the activity plan.

2. Exposure, by the teacher, of the main concepts of the subject concerned. The participation of the trainees will, however, always encouraged.

3. Conducting of individually and /I or group workshops.

4. Presentation, discussion and reflection about the scientific content inherent to experimental activities.


Morreill, P. & Mitchell, T. (2004). Let's Go! lnvestigating temperature. USA: Vernier Software & Technology.

Sá, J. & Varela, P. (2007). Das ciências experimentais à literacia - uma proposta didáctica para o 1° ciclo. Porto: Porto Editora.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 18 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 60 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Group work: Experimental activities / reports (of visits + laboratorial activities): 85%
  • Individual work: Performance, clarity and knowledge of issues during the oral presentations of the works: 15%