Family Nursing

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1) To problematic family nursing taking into account its disciplinary and professional framework

2) Discuss the different concepts of the family nursing metaparadigm

3) Perspecting the family in its uniqueness and as an integrated system in wider systems in an ecosystem developmental context.

4) Discuss the functioning and development of the family in its life cycle and in its normative and non-normative transitions

5) Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to professional action of family nursing in the sense of promoting / maintaining your health project.


Family nursing: paths and contexts
International and national framework
Epistemological framework and theoretical sources
Family Nursing Metaparadigm: concepts and definitions
Concept and evolution
Family structure, function and process
Communication and family competence
Family health
Concept and evolution
Ecological dimensions of family health
Conditioning factors of family health
Family health indicators
Family atmosphere
Concept and evolution
Structural levels: from micro to macro system
Social networks: types and functions
Nursing care for the family
Concept and evolution
Quality standards of family nursing care
Family transitions
Normative and non-normative transitions:
Developmental transitions
Evolutionary cycles, change and crisis
Growth and development
Family life cycle
Health / disease transitions
The family and health / disease processes: family coping
Situational transitions
Family violence
Social exclusion
Dependence on self-care
From evaluation to family intervention
From the areas of attention to the evaluation of results
Family assessment instruments:
Genogram / schedule
Family process assessment scales

Teaching Methodologies

Use of scientific information databases in oriented research with respect to relevant topics and texts in the area of family nursing.

Discussion of articles related to the contents of the course, namely through group work.

Conducting simulated practice activities, in the sense of developing cognitive skills within the scope of the decision-making process about nursing care for the family.

During the teaching of classes, formative assessment will be promoted, so that the introduction of new content and methodologies guarantees the prior consolidation of fundamental concepts


Elsen, I.; Althoff, C. & Manfrini, G. (2011). Saúde da Família: desafios teóricos. Família, Saúde e Desenvolvimento, Curitiba, v.3, n.2, p.89-97.

Figueiredo M., & Martins M. (2010). Avaliação Familiar: Do Modelo de Calgary de Avaliação da Família aos focos da prática de enfermagem. Ciência, Cuidado e Saúde, Jul/Set; 9 (3), 552-559

Figueiredo, M. H. (2012). Modelo dinâmico de avaliação e intervenção familiar: uma abordagem colaborativa em enfermagem de família. Loures: Lusociência.

Kaakinen, J.; Gedaly-Duff, V.; Coehlo, D.;, Hanson, S. (2010). Family Health Care Nursing. Theory,Practice and Research. 4th ed, Philadelphia: FA Davis Company.

Santos, M. L. V. A. (2012) Abordagem Sistémica do Cuidado À Família: Impacto no Desempenho Profissional do Enfermeiro. Tese de doutoramento apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Enfermagem



ECTS Credits



  • Práticas e Laboratórios - 13 hours
  • Teóricas - 11 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • According to Teaching Methods: 100%