Organization of Educational Systems

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1. To know the rules that determine the organization of the Portuguese educational system at large and the Azorean educational system in particular, as well as the processes through which they have been produced;
2. To characterize the organization of school education in the Portuguese mainland and in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, at every level - from macro to micro;
3. To analyse activities of extra-school education and to discuss them in light of lifelong learning policies.
4. To compare, in its fundamental aspects, the Portuguese educatinal system with foreign educational systems, discussing the implications of different organizational models;
5. To discuss the influence of international assessment programs in the definition of educational policies.


1. The legislative framework on which the Portuguese educational system in general and the Azorean educational system in particular are based - current situation and important facts on its origin, its evolution and its process of construction.
2. The organization of the Portuguese educational system - its school education component
2.1. General organization of the system and characterization of its sub-systems
2.2. The main rules of school organization and management in the mainland and in the Autonomous Region of the Azores;
3. Extra-school education from a lifelong learning perspective;
4. The educational systems from an international perspective - differences and similarities in their organization;
5. International programs of student assessment and their influence on the definition of educational policies.

Teaching Methodologies

The students will read, under the instructor's guidance, legislation, reports on the results of international assessment studies (e.g., PISA), documents with information on the organization of educational systems (e.g., the website of Eurydice network) and other relevant documents. Interrogative methods of teaching will play an important role: the students will be frequently challenged by questions whose answers require the developent of the competence to search for relevant documents and read them carefully. There will also be debates on
controversial aspects of the educational systems and the simulation of situations that facilitate the consolidation of knowledge.
Summative evaluation will be based on two elements:
. Planning of a (simulated) visit of foreign delegates who wish to become acquainted with the national and/ or the regional educational system (60 % of the final grade);
. Multiple-choice test on issues of school organization and management (40 % of the final grade).


European Commission (2011). The structure of the European education systems 2011/12: Schematic diagrams.
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the EU.
European Commission (2013). Key Data on Teachers and School Leaders in Europe: Eurydice Report. Luxembourg:
Publications Office of the EU.
Lawn, M., & Grek, S. (2012). Europeanizing Education: Governing a new policy space. Oxford: Symposium Books.
Moreira, A. F. e Pacheco, J. A. (Orgs.) (2006).Globalização e educação: Desafios para políticas e práticas. Porto: Porto Editora.
Salgado, L. (1990). O outro lado da educação - para além do instituído. Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, 29. 105- 119.
OECD (2013), PISA 2012 Assessment and Analytical Framework. Paris: OECD Publishing.
OECD (2013). Education at a glance 2013: OECD Indicators. Paris: OECD Publishing. Disponível em:
Sampaio, J. S. (1988). Posição dos partidos parlamentares perante a Lei de Bases do Sistema Educativo. Lisboa: Fenprof



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 3 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Multiple-choice test on issues of school organization and management: 40%
  • Planning of a (simulated) visit of foreign delegates who wish to become acquainted with the national and/ or the regional educational system: 60%