Value and Sense of Philosophy

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1. To identify concepts, themes and problems of philosophical matrix.

2. To understand the nature of Ethics, Aesthetics and Political Philosophy as philosophical disciplines.

3. To explain some of the main specific concepts and perspectives of Ethics, Aesthetics and Political Philosophy.

4. To foster philosophical debate, developing argumentative capacity on concepts and key issues in the three philosophical domains.



1. Ethics as a philosophical discipline: nature and specificity

2. Constituents of the ethical process: Deliberation, Action, Moral Consciousness, Intention, Agent, Decisions, Principles, Virtues, Duties, Values, Dilemmas

3. Fundamental Concepts of Action: Ethics, Morals, Applied Ethics, Professionals Ethics

4. Different ethical theories

5. Animal Ethics and Environmental Ethics


1. Distinction between natural object, artistic and aesthetic objects. The different aesthetic categories and artistic theories

2. The aesthetical perception and affection

3. Beauty in Plato and Aristotle

4. Beauty in Kant and its importance to the contemporary

5. Creativity and Imagination


1. Political Philosophy as a philosophical discipline

2. Individual, society and community. The scope of the political. Forms of the political in the Western world

3. Politics, necessity and freedom

4. Theories of justice and democracy

5. Citizenship and Human Rights

Teaching Methodologies

Classes will have a theoretical structure, presenting themes and philosophical problems of the studied philosophical areas, as well as a practical structure, illustrating with somes texts of reference authors. The syllabus will articulate the study of reference authors with the Philosophy for Children’s program, especially with the curriculum written by M. Lipman and A. Sharp, taking into account the structure of it in various philosophical areas.

Thus, the Ethics module will study the text "Lisa" (on the construction of ethical reasoning), the Aesthetic module will focus on the text "Suki" (on the Language of Art) and the Political Philosophy module will focus on the text "Mark" (on socio-political issues).


BECKERT, C, Ética, Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, 2012

CORTINA, A, (dir.) 10 palabras clave en Ética, Editorial Verbo Divino, Navarra, 2008

CORTINA, A; NAVARRO, Emilio, Etica, Akal, Madrid, 2008

HOTTOIS, G; MISSA, J (coord.), Nova Enciclopédia da Bioética, Instituto Piaget, Lisboa, 2003

ARISTÓTELES, Poética, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, Clássicos de Filosofia, Lisboa, 1986

DUFRENNE, M., Estéthique et Philosophie, 3 vols., D’esthétique, Klincksieck, Lowain, 1967

KANT, I, Crítica da Faculdade do Juízo, INCM, Lisboa, 1992

PLATÃO, Íon, Editorial Inquérito, Lisboa, 1988

BOBBIO, N, Teoria geral da política. A filosofia política e as lições dos clássicos, Rio de Janeiro, Campus, 2000

RAPHAEL, D, Problems of Political Philosophy, New Jersey, Humanities Press, 1990

ROCHA, A E, “A Filosofia Política como representação e vontade”, in Homenagem a Lúcio Craveiro da Silva, Braga, UM, 1994

ROSAS, J C (Org.), Manual de Filosofia Política, Almedina, Coimbra, 2008



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Attendance and Participation: 10%
  • Individual Work (1st version): 45%
  • Individual Work (2nd version): 45%