Design and Management of Training

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a. To discuss the principles underlying vocational education and training and the relationship between trainers, trainees and knowledge in view of current educational perspectives and values.
b. To understand the diversity of training/educational contexts and processes in adult education in a lifelong perspective.
c. To understand planning as a strategy to improve the educational processes and the quality of adult education/vocational training.
d. To grasp the relationships between the various components and stages of educational/training processes.
e. To understand the characteristics and importance of different ways of organizing and following-up the training process.

By the end of CU students should be able to:
• To critically analyze training programs, projects and situations.
• To develop and manage educational/training programs / modules suited to different goals and adult target groups.


1. New conceptions and goals for adult education.
2. Formal and informal education: contexts and processes.
3. From educational/training situations to the educator's/trainer's profiles and functions.
4. Planning educational/ training processes.
5. Organization and supervion of educational/ training processes

Teaching Methodologies

This course combines expository sessions, supported by questioning and video resources, sessions with online search, debate, oral presentation and discussion of student work, planning, in pairs, of educational/training programs/modules and tutorial sessions, in person or through skype, aiming to deepen and clarify content and support students’ work.

The Moodle platform is used to provide teaching resources used in class, bibliography to support lessons and student work, facilitate interaction between students and between them and the teacher on content or tasks.

Assessment is based in three tasks:

i) design and rationale of an educational program/ training module, to be carried out in pairs/groups, based on a script provided by the teacher (60%);

ii) an individual reflection on the process and goals achieved (20%);

iii) oral presentation and discussion of the paper referred to in i) (20%).


Bergano, S. M. A. (2002). Filosofias da educação de adultos. Dissertação de mestrado. FPCEUC: Coimbra.
IQF. (2004). Guia para a concepção de cursos e materiais pedagógicos. Lisboa: IQF
Le Boterf, G. (1995). De la compétence: Essai sur un attracteur étrange. Paris: Éditions d' Organisation.
Lopes, A., Picado, L. (2010). Concepção e Gestão da Formação Profissional Contínua: Da qualificação individual à aprendizagem organizacional. Ramadas: Edições Pedago.
Meignant, A. (2003). A gestão da formação. Lisboa: D. Quixote.
Mira Leal, S. & S. N. Caldeira (Orgs.), (2011). Formação de Adultos: Desafios, articulações e oportunidades em tempo de crise. Ponta Delgada: UAc.
Pinheiro, J. & Ramos, L. (1998). Métodos pedagógicos. Lisboa: IEFP
Silva, M.ª G. V. da. (1997). Métodos activos. Lisboa: IEFP
Tira-Picos, A. & Sampaio, J. (1994). A avaliação pedagógica na formação profissional – Técnicas e instrumentos. Lisboa: IEFP.
Vieira, M.ª de L. M. (1998). Definição de objectivos de formação. Lisboa: IEFP



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • oral presentation and discussion of the paper referred to in i): 20%
  • an individual reflection on the process and goals achieved: 20%
  • i) design and rationale of an educational program/ training module, to be carried out in pairs/groups, based on a script provided by the teacher: 60%