1. To question the meaning of human action in space(s), time and societies
2. To analyse the concepts of Societies and Territories
3. To reflect on the process of globalization in the XXI century
4. To identify ways of acting in the era of globalization and cyberspace
5. To discuss the phenomena of globalization in its multiple dimensions, scope and implications (both positive and negative), considering its impact in the lives of individuals, peoples and nations
6. To identify the development goals of the Millennium.
7. To analyze critically the role of societies of technology and information
8. To establish relatioships between the various plans for action and intervention: local, regional, national, European and global
9. To analyze the Environmental Studies Program of the 1stcycle of Basic Education in the context of inherent requirements
10. To develop working and research methodologies in the perspective of lifelong education.
1. An integrated and transdisciplinary perspective on Society, Territories and Human Action in the Social Sciences
2. Anthropology of place and Ontology of Acting: spatial morphology and socio-cultural reality; Natural constraints, human settlement and demographic implications; Identities and Culture; Dialectic between geographical territory, social territory and new ways of acting: migration, work and knowing-to-become.
3. Geographic space, development and globalization; Evolution of societies; Technological and global society in the XXI century; Development Goals for the Millennium; Sustainable development and economic growth : Declaration of Tokyo and Kyoto Protocol
4. Axiological issues, ethics and bioethics in the society of the late XX century and early XXI century; Local citizen vs citizen of the world: values and multiculturalism; Knowledge, information and technoscience: ethical and bioethical dimensions
5. The Environmental Studies Program and its human action dimensions.
Classes will be of a theoretical-practical and practical nature. Presentations aim at the reflective and critical analysis and discussion of course´s content as described in the syllabus. Procedures aim at the development of skills and knowledge supported by research on the interactions of the geographic and social contexts. Therefore, where appropriate, analysis and discussion of situations, news and events in the contemporary world will be encouraged. In this context, there will be provision for student’s experiences as epistemic sources, in a perspective of self-organization and / or (re)construction of intersubjective knowledge.
Denis (2011). A última Testemunha de Auschwitz. Lisboa: Portugal.
Godinho, Vitorino Magalhães (2011). Problematizar a Sociedade. Lisboa: Quetzal.
Giddens, A. (2000). O mundo na era da globalização. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
Medeiros, E. O. (2011). Cuidar de la tierra: un desígnio de la educación. In, Martín, Javier San& Moratalla, Domingo
Tomás [Eds]. Perspectivas sobre la vida humana. Cuerpo, mente,género y persona. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva.
Vários (2009). Podemos viver sem o outro? As possibilidades e os limites da interculturalidade.Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. Tinta-da- China.
Bauman, Z. (2010). A sociedade sitiada. Lisboa Instituto Piaget.
Diamond, J. (2013). O mundo até ontem. O que podemos aprender com as sociedades tradicionais. Lisboa: Temas e Debates.
Pereira, T., Reis, J., Serra, N., Tolda, J. (2010). Imigrantes em Portugal. Economia, Pessoas, Qualificações e Território. Coimbra: Edições Almedina.