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The Seminary closes the activities of the Cycle of Studies, being an occasion for the students to develop a more in depth research project on a theme of their interest.

Building upon the intuition that the future of the Azores lies in the services the Region is able to render to the outside, to the country and to the system of international relations (and to the Atlantic Community, in particular), the Seminar seeks to lead students to research and to reflecting upon the concrete insertion of the Region in those spaces, as well as upon the identification of those services: from the provision of cereals, at the time of the discoveries, and coal, at the dawn of transatlantic navigation, to furnishing of strategic bases during the two World Wars and the cold war, to the uncertainties of the present and of the future – without prejudice to the exploration of other themes with little or no direct relation to the Azores.


1. General Introduction

2. Methodologies of Research and for the elaboration of a Research Paper;

3. Crisis: Idea and Concrete Reality;

4. Crisis: Forms of the Political, International Relations and Integration, at the Supra and Infra State Levels;

5. Cold War and European Integration;

6. Atlantic Community: Idea and Material Achievements;

7. The Azores, Portugal, Europe and the Atlantic Community;

8. Conclusions.

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes, of exposition of contents, and theoretical-practical, of questioning, analysis and exploration of themes, texts and documents.

Tutorial sessions of accompaniment and tutoring of the research and the drafting of the papers by the students.

Guidance of the presentations of the students and of the ensuing discussion.


Amaral, Carlos Eduardo Pacheco, Do Estado soberano ao Estado das autonomias. Regionalismo, subsidiariedade e autonomia para uma nova ideia de Estado, Porto, Afrontamento, 1998;

Aubourg, V, Gérard Bossuat e Giles Scott-Smith, eds., European Community, Atlantic Community, Paris, Soleb, 2008;

Goodman, E R., The Fate of the Atlantic Community, New York, Praeger, 1975;

Herter, C, Toward an Atlantic Community, New York, Harper and Row, 1963;

Huntignton, S, O choque das civilizações e a mudança na ordem mundial, Lisboa, Gradiva, 1998;

Lipmann, W, Western Unity and the Common Market, Boston, Little Brown, 1962;

Mariano, M, Defining the Atlantic Community, New York, Routledge, 2010;

Sloan, S R., NATO, the European Union and the Atlantic Community. The Transatlantic Bargain Challenged, 2nd ed., New York, Rowman and Littlefield, 2005;

Steel, R., Walter Lipmann and the American century, Boston, Little Brwon, 1980;

Strauss, Ira, “Atlantic Federalism”, Peace & Change, 24 (3), July, 1999.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Participation of the students in the working sessions and I the discussions of the works of their colleagues, as well as in the presentation and defense of their own work: 25%
  • Research paper written by each student, presented and defended in the classroom: 75%