Human Resources

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The Human Resource Management is one of the areas responsible for the companies/organizations’ success. Get to know and master the tracks in this field of knowledge, has proven to be more and more important these days.

However, this branch of management has experienced significant changes in recent years and is imperative to study its historical development as well as its new characteristics. It is intended, after completing the course, students to be able to:

1. Understand the historical and conceptual context in which the management of human resources works;

2. Perspective the main evolutionary trends of human resources management;

3. Highlight the importance of human resources as a strategic factor;

4. Understand the key business processes relevant to human resource management;

5. Assimilate the main practices that support human resources management;

6. To acquire a critical attitude on the main trends and challenges facing the human resource management.


1.Human Resource Management’ concept evolution, New Challenges and Perspectives

-The changes and transformations in HR

-How to succeed in changing contexts?

2.The Human Resource Management

-HRM Context

-HRM processes

-Impact of HRM

-Evaluation of the HRM function

3.Strategic Planning of Human Resources

-Focus on the strategy

-Strategic HR Planning

4. Analysis and Description of functions

-Analysis of functions

-Description of functions

-ADFs’ objectives

-The process of analyzing and describing functions

5.Recruitment and Selection

-Planning the recruitment

-Types and sources of recruitment

-Selection Techniques

6.Training and Skills Development

-The training process

-Training methods

7.Rewards Systems

-Types of Reward Systems

-Recognize the contributions of HR

8.Performance Assessment

-The process


-Methods for Performance Assessment

9.Career Management and Loyalty

-Career Management Systems

-Turnover Management

Teaching Methodologies

The unit is divided into theoretical and practical classes; therefore the methods used are presented in accordance with the nature of the class.

In the lectures the privileged methodologies are exposure, explanation, audiovisual and question/dialogue. After presented and discussed the issues under study, the practical classes are constructed to enable the consolidation of knowledge by students and allow their application through text analysis, case studies, role-play and simulation, shifting the methodologies according to their applicability to the subject under investigation.


- Armstrong, M. and Baron, A. Gestão do Capital Humano. Instituto Piaget – Sociedade e Organizações, Lisboa, 2009.

- Chiavenato, Idalberto. Gestão de Pessoas: o novo papel dos recursos humanos nas organizações. Editora Campus, Rio de Janeiro, 1999.

- Costa, Ricardo. Persona – Manual Prático de Gestão das Pessoas. Bertrand Editora, Lisboa, 2003.

- Cunha, M.P. et al. Manual de Gestão de Pessoas e do Capital Humano. Edições Sílabo, 2ª Edição, Lisboa, 2010.

- Dessler, Gary. Human Resource Management. Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, 2008.

- Noe, R. et al. fundamentals of human Resource Management. First Edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, New York, 2004.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 40%
  • 2nd Frequency: 35%
  • Individual and/or Group Work: 25%