History of Brazil

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1. Integrate discovery and exploration of Brazilian territory in the process of expansion and affirmation of the Portuguese Empire.
2. Explain the importance of the Brazilian economy in the context of the Imperial Portugal.
3. Recognize the colonial and imperial Brazil as a slave society.
4. Relate the increase of the independence sentiment that emerged in the 18th century, with the presence of the Portuguese court.
5. Justify the fall of imperial regime.
6. Identify the political route of Brazil: Colony, Empire and Republic.
7. Analyze the economic activities and social composition of the Brazilian Empire and Republic.
8. Explain the instability of the Brazilian Republican regime.
9. Oppose dictatorship periods to times of constitutional and democratic framework.
10. Mastery of vocabulary and basic concepts.
11. Ability of problematization, of synthesis and analysis of sources and texts.


Theme I - The Colonial Period (1500 to 1822)

1. Administration and events
11. From discovery to first explorations
1. 2. The period of captaincies and General Government
1. 3. The consequences of Iberian Union
1. 4. The Dutch invasion and the Pernambucan Insurrection

2. Economy and society
2. 1. From “pau-brasil” to sugar and gold
2. 2. A slave society 2. 3. Aristocracy and middle class: the emergence of discontent
2. 4. The “Inconfidência Mineira” and Bahian Conjuration

3. The Napoleonic Age and Portuguese "Vintismo"
3. 1. The coming of Court and its consequences
3. 2. The independence

Theme II - The Brazil Empire (1822 to 1889)

1. The First Reign and continued instability (from the Confederation of Ecuador to the War of the Cisplatine Province)

2. The Regency Period; causes and consequences

3. Second Reign: affirmation and decline of the imperial regime

4. Population, economy and society of Imperial Brazil.
4.1. The end of slavery: from the prohibition of trafficking to abolition

Theme III - The Republican Brazil (1889 to present days)

1. The tribulations of the First Republic

2. Revolution of 1930 and the Age Vargas
2. 1. The New State (1937-1945) - the political and economic aspect

3. The New Republic (1945-1964)

4. Military Dictatorship (1964-1985)

5. New Republic Age: from Tancredo Neves to Dilma Rousseff

Teaching Methodologies

The exhibition and the explanation of syllabus will be reconciled with the clarification of questions asked to students or raised by them. In addition we’ll use the powerpoint, when necessary, and will be required group work and reading and analysis of documents and texts that will enable moments of reflection and debate. Whenever we consider relevant, we will ask students small bibliographic research about topics or content previously indicated.


BENNASSAR, Bartolomé; MARIN, Richard (2000), História do Brasil, 1500-2000, Lisboa, Teorema.

BOTELHO, Ângela Vianna e REIS, Liana M. (2003), Dicionário Histórico do Brasil: Colónia e Império, Belo Horizonte, Autêntica.

COSTA, João Paulo Oliveira; RODRIGUES, José Damião; OLIVEIRA, Pedro Aires (2014), História da Expansão e do Império Português, Lisboa, A Esfera dos Livros.

DONATO, Hernâni (2000), Brasil: 5 séculos, S. Paulo, Academia Lusíada de Ciências, Letras e Artes.

FRACCARO, Laura Candian; AMANCIO, Kleber Antonio de Oliveira (2019), História do Brasil República I, Londrina : Editora e Distribuidora Educacional.

JOHNSON, Harold; SILVA, Maria Beatriz Nizza da; MAURO, Frédéric, Coord., (1986-1992), O Império Luso-Brasileiro, in SERRÃO, Joel e MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira, Nova História da Expansão Portuguesa, 6,7 e 8, Lisboa, Editorial Estampa, 3 vols.

RUSSELL-WOOD, A. J. R. (2005), Escravos e Libertos no Brasil Colonial, Rio de Janeiro, Civilização Brasileira.

SILVA, Maria Beatriz Nizza da; WESTEPHALEN, Cecília M.; GRAF, Márcia (1991), História do Brasil: Colónia – Império – República, Porto, Universidade Portucalense, Departamento de Ciências Históricas.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • 1st Frequency: 45%
  • 2nd Frequency: 45%
  • Class attendance, participation in group work and discussions: 10%