Philosophy of the State and the Integration

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The curricular unit seeks to catalyse the critical capacities of the students, constituting an occasion for the development of an in depth knowledge of the modern sovereign State model of political organization that, of the crises that falls upon it in the contemporary world and of the solutions adopted in Europe to overcome it.

We seek to promote the acquisition of in depth knowledge on the State matrix of social and political organization, as well as on the main theories of integration. Whereas the curricular unit of Regionalism centers attention on political regionalism at the infra-State level for the overcoming of the crisis of the sovereign State, the present one deals with regionalism at the supra-State level. The objective is to provide the students instruments that may allow them a critical judgment regarding the challenges facing our States and the European Union today, particularly in terms of the deepening of the integration process and the model of international order.


Human condition, community construction and integration. The State as form of the political

The modern sovereign State and the State system of international organization. State, realism and Power

Political philosophy and integration. State, nation and European Union

International relations, stability, sovereignty, non-intervention and justice

Morality, law and force in the relations between political communities

Friends and foes. Politics, diplomacy and war. The ideal of peace

Classical theories of integration: intergovernmentalism, federalism, functionalism and transactionalism

Integration and community construction. Functionalism as a theory of integration and as a Political Philosophy

Functionalism, neo-functionalism and post-functionalism

Realism, institutionalism and integration through law

Regionalism, old and new, and community construction

Integration, Europe, Atlantic Community and cosmopolitism

Crisis of the State, integration and governance: from regional to global

Teaching Methodologies

Theoretical classes, with exposition of contents, theoretical-practical classes, aiming at enquiry, analysis and commentary of texts and tutorial sessions, accompanying at guiding the students in their work, both individual and in groups. Interactive methodology, centered on the students. Construction of explanatory schemes of the issues addressed.


Amaral, Carlos E. Pacheco, Do Estado soberano ao Estado das autonomias, Porto, Afrontamento, 1998;

Burgess, Michael, Comparative federalism, London, Routledge, 2006;

Deutsch, Karl W. et al., Political Community and the North Atlantic Area. International organization in the light of historical experience, Princeton, N.J., Princeton University Press, 1957;

Haas, Ernst B., et al., Limits and Problems of European Integration. The Conference of May 30 - June 2, 1961, The Hague, Martinus Nijhoff, 1963;

Mitrany, David, A Working Peace System. An argument for the functional development of international organization, London, National Peace Council Pamphlet nº 40, 1946;

Proudhon, Pierre Joseph, Do princípio de federação, Lisboa, Nova Livraria Internacional, 1874;

Rosamond, Ben, Theories of European Integration, London, Macmillan, 2000;

Soromenho-Marques, Viriato, Tópicos de Filosofia e Ciência Política. Federalismo: das raízes americanas aos dilemas europeus, Lisboa, Esfera do Caos, 2011.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours