Public Policies and Development

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In this course it is sought to understand and analyze the development process and in particularly the constitution of welfare state and his relation with capitalism thus to reflect about public policy, as well as the outputs of political system.


1. Power and Political Process

1.1. The formation of the State

1.2. The governmentality

1.3. Political system and decision-making processes

2. Political System and Social Structure

2.1. Democracy and capitalism

2.2. Welfare State and Social State

3. Public Policies

3.1. Theoretical principles and currents

3.2. Public policies as political decisions

3.3. Constituent elements: actors, resources and rules

3.4. Programming and implementation

3.5. Methodology and analysis issues

4. State and Society in Portugal: public policies

4.1. Economic intervention and regulation

4.2. Social concertation and neo-corporatism

4.3. Intervention in labor relations and employment policies

4.4. Social policies and social security

4.5. Health policies

Teaching Methodologies

Exposition of the content to be taught, employing a theoretical-practical approach, with student participation, viewing videos followed by group discussion, presentation of illustrative aspects of the program content and conducting evaluations.


Carmo, Renato Miguel; Barata, André (orgs.) (2014). Estado Social: De Todos para Todos. Tinta da China: Lisboa.

García-Pelayo, Manuel (1980). Las transformaciones del Estado contemporáneo. Alianza Ed.: Madrid.

Luhmann, Niklas (1994). Teoría política en el Estado de Bienestar. Alianza Ed.: Madrid.

Mishra, Ramesh (1995). O Estado-providência na Sociedade Capitalista. Estudo comparativo das políticas públicas na Europa, América do Norte e Austrália. Celta Ed.: Oeiras.

Mozzicafreddo, Juan (1997). Estado Providência e Cidadania em Portugal. Celta Ed.: Oeiras.

Rodrigues, Maria de Lurdes; Silva, Pedro Adão (orgs.) (2013). Políticas Públicas para a Reforma do Estado. Almedina: Coimbra.

Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (1992). O Estado e a Sociedade em Portugal (1974-1988). Ed. Afrontamento: Porto.

Silva, Filipe Carreira da (org.)(2013). Os Portugueses e o Estado-Providência. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais: Lisboa.

Subirats, Joan; Knoepfel, Peter; Larrue, Corinne; Varone, Frédéric (2012). Análisis y gestión de políticas públicas. Ariel: Barcelona.

Varela, Raquel (coord.ª) (2013). A Segurança Social é Sustentável. Trabalho, Estado e Segurança Social em Portugal. Bertrand Ed.: Lisboa.



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 10 hours
  • Teóricas - 15 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 15 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Individual essay at the end of the semester: 80%
  • Participation in classes: 20%