Political and Diplomatic History

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1. Understand the conditions of the practice of diplomacy between sovereign States.

2. Meet the aims of foreign policy.

3. Analyzing the evolution of diplomacy in the contemporary era.

4. Develop critical and reflective capacity on the most relevant issues in the framework of political and diplomatic history.

5. Ensure the competencies required for the work of research in the field of political and diplomatic history.


Conditions of the practice of diplomacy between sovereign States. External policy objectives. French Revolution and diplomacy. The importance of the Congress of Vienna to review and adjust diplomatic practices. From the Bismarckian alliances system to the outbreak of World War I. The impact of the great war. In search of new regulatory instruments of international policy. The growing importance of public opinion on international policy. A new perspective? From the balance of power to the community of power. The peace conference at the end of the great war. The SdN and its failure. The period between the wars: politics and diplomacy. The emergence of new actors in international relations: the case of the USSR. The era of dictatorships and the setting of a new scenario warmonger. Alliances and power games. The Civil War of Spain. Francoism and Portugal: luso-ibéricas relationships and underlying ideologies. World War II: an inevitability?

Teaching Methodologies

Lectures – focused on the teacher's display, with the presentation of the main perspectives of approach to program content. Interactive theoretical-practical lessons, focusing on student participation, with guidance from the professor, based on methods of analysis, interpretation and criticism of texts and other documents relevant to the issues under study.

Promotion of dialogue, highlighting the "recovery" of knowledge however acquired, not only in the course of study of curricular unity but, whenever possible, with the appeal to the importance of interdisciplinarity. Presentation and discussion of research work. Meetings with students, individually or in group, for monitoring the practical work. Analysis and debate sessions, on the progress of the investigation.


ARON, R., Paz e Guerra entre as Nações, São Paulo, 2002

BRUNET, J.P., Launay, M., Entre as duas Guerras. 1914-1945, Lisboa, 1999

DROZ, J., Histoire Diplomatique de 1648 a 1919, Paris, cop. 1972

GERBERT, P., Introdução à Política. As organizações internacionais, Lisboa, 1977

HAMILTON, K. e LANGHORNE, The Practice of Diplomacy, Londres e Nova Iorque, 1995

KISSINGER, H., Diplomacia, Lisboa, 1996

MAGALHÃES, J. C. de, A Diplomacia Pura, Lisboa, 2005

MILZA, P., As Relações Internacionais de 1918 a 1939, Lisboa, 1998

__________, As Relações Internacionais de 1871 a 1914, Lisboa, 2002

NYE, Jr., J. S., Compreender os Conflitos Internacionais, Lisboa, 2002

PELLISTRANDI, B., As Relações Internacionais de 1800 a 1871, Lisboa, 2002

RICHARDSON, J. L., Crisis Diplomacy. The Great Powers since the Mid¬ Nineteenth Century, Cambridge, 1994

SÉDOUY, J.-A. de, Le Congrès de Vienne, Paris, 2003

STEVENSON, D., The First World War and lnternational Politics, Oxford, 1988



ECTS Credits



  • Orientação Tutorial - 30 hours
  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Accomplishment of a bibliographic and / or documentary research work (short scientific article or essay), subordinated to a theme framed in the syllabus, at student's choice.: 80%
  • Participation in the seminars, with significant interventions, as well as by analyzing or commenting on previously agreed texts or documents, plus attendance: 20%