Health Psychology

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1. Acquisition of knowledge about the specificities of the field of Health Psychology and the role of the psychologist in this field;
2. Acquisition of knowledge about the main themes and lines of research in Health Psychology;
3. Acquisition of knowledge about theoretical models, levels and intervention strategies in Health Psychology;
4. Identification of emerging themes in Health Psychology;
5. Development of an ethical, critical and reflective stance towards the reality of research and psychological intervention in health contexts.


Theoretical classes:

Module I: Historical foundations and specificities of Health Psychology
1.1. Evolution of the field and concept of Health;
1.2. Emergence and evolution of Clinical Psychology and Health Psychology;
1.3. Object, contexts, models and methods.

Module II: Health levels, determinants and behaviors and intervention models
2.1. Levels of intervention: promotion and prevention;
2.2. Determinants of health and health behaviors;
2.3. Intervention models in Health Psychology.

Module III: Themes in Health Psychology
3.1. Quality of life and well-being;
3.2. Stress, coping and social support;
3.3. Adapting to chronic illness;
3.4. The sick person in medical contexts;
3.5. The person with avances progressive disease and palliative care;
3.6. Health promotion and behavioral health.

Theoretical-practical component:

The theoretical-practical component of the UC is organized around the different steps necessary to develop a small group intervention program in Health Psychology (promotion and prevention or adaptation to chronic illness), carried out in a group and monitored/supervised by the teacher:

1) Definition of the program objective and target audience;
2) Bibliographical research on the topic of the work;
3) State of the art (theoretical model and relevant empirical literature);
4) Definition of objectives, strategies and activities;
5) Definition of the program's impact assessment model, including the selection and characterization of assessment instruments for the program's central variables;
6) Presentation of programs in class, with audiovisual support and large group discussion.

Note: In the case of students from other degrees who attend this CU, the assessment methodologies for the theoretical-practical component are adjusted.

Teaching Methodologies

The CU is organized into theoretical and theoretical/practical classes. In theoretical classes (30hT), expository teaching strategies are privileged, associated with reading tasks, reflection on texts by students and debate on the content presented. In theoretical-practical classes (30hTP) the teacher monitors and supervises the development of the intervention program to be developed by each work group.


Leal, I., & Pais Ribeiro, J. (2021). Manual de psicologia da saúde. Pactor.

Boyer, B., & Paharia, M. (2008). Comprehensive handbook of clinical health psychology. John Wiley and Sons.

Lazarus, R., & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, appraisal and coping. Springer Publishing Company.

Ogden, J. (2004). Psicologia da saúde. Climepsi.

Sanderson, C. (2013). Health psychology (2nd ed.). John Wiley and Sons Ltd.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Frequency: 50%
  • Group intervention manual: 50%