Oral Expression and Communication Techniques

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1. To learn the specifics of the process of verbal communication;

2. To learn which are the main types of verbal discourse;

3. To learn which are the major difficulties one has to deal with when one uses discourse for the purpose of presenting or/and explaining some subject, as well as to learn which are the best strategies to cope with and overcome such difficulties;

4. To get acquainted with the prosodic and non verbal components of aural communication, as well as to learn which are the strategies which best allow to take advantage of them;

5. To communicate in Portuguese with the utmost grammatical and phonetic correction.


1. The kinds of knowledge and the skills which are demanded by linguistic competence.

2. Idiomatic competence and the duality written/aural discourse.

3. Formal and informal discourse: differences and specificities.

4. Communication and types of discourse.

5. The use of discourse to present and/or to explain subjects and facts.

6. The communication strategies which are demanded by the use of discourse to present and/or to explain subjects and facts.

7. The modalization of discourse and discourse and its communicative context.

8. Prosodic and non-verbal communicative competence.

9. Complex areas of the verbal communication in the Portuguese language.

Teaching Methodologies

1. Classes designed to teach and explain subjects theoretically;

2. Discussion and exemplification of theoretical aspects of the syllabus;

3. Practical classes designed for aural presentations by the students;

4. Enumeration and discussion of the positive and negative aspects of the student's presentations.


CAMARA (Jr.), J. Mattoso. Manual de Expressão Oral e Escrita. 5. ed., Petrópolis, Vozes, 1978.

CUNHA, Celso & CINTRA, L. F. Lindley. Nova Gramática do Português Contemporâneo. Lisboa, João Sá da Costa, 1984.

GARCIA, Othon M. (1978). Comunicação em Prosa Moderna. 14. ed., Rio de Janeiro, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 1988.

MONTENEGRO, Helena Mateus. Português para Todos. A Gramática na Comunicação. Mirandela, João Azevedo Editor, 2005.

NASCIMENTO, Zacarias & PINTO, José Manuel de Castro. A Dinâmica da Escrita: Como Escrever com Êxito. Lisboa, Plátano, 2001.

PERES, João & MÓIA, Telmo. Áreas Críticas da Língua Portuguesa. 2. ed., Lisboa, Caminho, 2003.

SANTASUSANA, M. Vilà i et alia. El Discurso Oral Formal. Contenidos de Aprendizaje y Secuencias Didácticas. Barcelona, Graó, 2005.

VIDAL, Maria Victoria Escandel. La Comunicación. Madrid, Gredos, 2005.



ECTS Credits



  • Teóricas - 30 hours
  • Teórico-Práticas - 30 hours

Evaluation Methodology

  • Theoretical and practical component: 30%
  • Theoretical component: 70%